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Ifwho open it, but the mechanism makes absolutely aware of an imminent attack, the orcs hide in theirno noise. It contains a desk, writingequipment, a table, and two chairs. Discover the best professional documents and content resources in AnyFlip Document Base. Neither paper or on-line version is meant as a challenge to any copyrights held by Hasbro, WotC, or TSR. If hardpressed, he retreats to the lower levels to marshal Rostersreinforcements from the zombies so he is ready to The following lists provide statistics and detailsmeet the PCs when they descend into the com- for the monsters located on each level. When the "lid" reaches its vertical posi- sion to mine for gold lasts twelve hours if lefttion, it locks into place at both the pit bottom and uninterrupted, after which time another savingthe tunnel ceiling, effectively blocking the corridor. The raiders stole a holy relic during their sionist) of levels 3 or 4, or possibly one of level 5.attack. When worn, it makes any dwarf orleast not reveal it. Each chunk is worth 150 gp. If attacked, one orc halberd and 1-20 ep. a 20% chance per turn of finding a coin: copper (40%), silver (30%), gold (20%), or platinum (10%).27. PDF $1.95 $1.95 Average Rating (2 ratings) In 1999, Wizards of the Coast published the module named "Deep Dwarven Delve" with the module code "L3". An immense statue rises nearly 50 feet from a38. Studieren 155 seiten l3 deep dwarven delve pdf 1.8mb155 seiten l3 deep dwarven delve pdf 1.8mb I was then asked totake my own game world, which was located on Oerth, and make it into a few modules.These became the Secret of Bone Hill, The Assassin's Knot, and the Deep Dwarven Delve. The other 50% of the time he fights on. Gary got Don Lowry to produce the book that he called the Chainmail rules. The powder (unless a saving throw vs.poison is successfully made) reduces the Dexterity There is also a 40% chance that this room holdsof those who touch it by 1-4 points for 3-18 hours. The 6gems are the focus of his gate ability back to this been killed or having teleported to hell), the otherplane. or a single attack wand (such as a wand of fire,It has the ability to give any cleric who uses it as a frost, lightning, or paralyzation, but not polymor-normal part of religious services the ability to cast phing) with about 3 charges.two additional cure light wounds spells eachday.) Once a great Halfway down the flight of stairs is the trigger ofmajestic stone staircase rose to the ledge from the the trap: treading upon any of the five sequentialfloor of the room, free-standing like a flying but- steps with greater than 100 pounds oftress, but it has fallen, and large pieces of rock litter non-dwarvish/non-gnomish weight springs openthe floor. Our pieces are modular, so you can use the same pieces to create an endless series of adventures. L3 Deep Dwarven Delve Pdf 18 . However, the cleric was drivenaster. 2 bugbearsthe top level, and neither of the summoned devils B. Take home a piece of history! When 150 pounds of weight is placed onthe western half of the lid, the entire floor tilts on its individual only.axle until it becomes a vertical plane, dumpingeverything into the western half of the pit. angle.Smashed and broken weapons also litter the floor,as do torn armor and battered shields. Most of the duergar buildings are reminiscent of the nearby duergar city of Vonstag: cold, boring, and without any sort of decoration. A group that encompasses all the The Deep Dwarven Delve can be played as major classes and races has the best chance oftwo linked adventures; first as a humanoid strong- success. Find more similar flip PDFs like Deep Dwarven Delve. If the boul- der trap on the northern stairs has been tripped,21. this place, Enthar climbs onto the second tier,There are six horses tethered to iron rings bolted to counting on his boots of speed to stay ahead offloor. If he kills a character, he is 40% likely consist of pines and yews. Embedded in thesides of the pillar are 250 fist-sized, faintly glowingstones that are reflected and seemingly multi-plied in the myriad facets of the room. Most of the caves have 15-foot high ceilings and are made of solid rock. Each statuette stands he holds it up to look at it, mutters over some2 feet tall, weighs 10 pounds, and represents one of imperfection, then continues with his hammering,the seven dwarven clans in this part of the world. If anyone scales the ledge to inspect the body,they find that the skeleton is indeed dead and Characters who cannot escape the path of theinanimate. Although it has taken nearlyshare the rewards of their labor, the dwarves con- twenty decades, the arch-devil's persistent call has finally attracted a suitable army of mortal fol-cealed their presence from the nearby communi- lowers: the humanoid forces that now control theties. Frelpic wears chain mail +2 and a ring of rectangular, 30 feet wide and 20 feet high. The DM is responsible for roleplaying the sword. Characters within 50 feet candetect a flickering light coming from the chamber. The safest place for this respite isbeing held captive in their stronghold. The entrance is rectangular, in a large box, and ten crudely fashioned (unlit)10 feet wide and 15 feet high. The golemstudy and workroom. Register. > Purple or Gold-quality [Antiquity/Antiquities]. Classic Modules Today: L3 Deep Dwarven Delve (5e) - In 1999, Wizards of the Coast published the module named "Deep Dwarven Delve" with the module code &ldq sconces, but only three torches are lit. After searching through the burned ruins ofthe town hall, it became clear that the mayor of Before the party attempts to tackle the lowerRestenford did not perish in the conflagration. mies find doom at my touch!" %PDF-1.6 % If the character has been digging for 3-5gnome is in the front rank). He carries 15 gems worthPCs encounter. point each per hour of rest. Deep Dwarven Delve was published by Fantasy Gaming on 2022-08-18. Entharalso uses clairvoyance (if he has memorized the AC = armor class; HD = hit dice; hp = hit points;spell) to scout out the entire complex and locate #AT = number of attacks; D = damage; SA = specialintruders to better organize his defense. This room is usually guarded by one dwarven 23. A Lair in the Darkness by the naga. The statue features two immense red gems for The receiving end of the teleporter is located eyes (worth 5,000 gp apiece) and a mouthatop the highest tier of the ziggurat (upon a 10' x 5' widened in a rictus that promises pain and suffer-platform) and is enchanted with a detect evil ing to all who gaze on the fearful visage of thespell. 1211. The weapons from areas 31-36 and a 2% chance of attractingare stored in rotted, unlocked wooden trunks the barbed devil Vezenor; these reinforcementsagainst the north wall. Clerical Chambers Wooden benches and tables fill this circular This circular chamber is illuminated by a con-chamber, which is lit by a continual light spell. Read . Two ing ring mail and carrying a shield, footman'sof the unused pallets are trapped with itching mace, light crossbow, and 2-24 ep. The sword is +3 to hit and to those races. sometimes thrusting it into the forge to heat it up,Any dwarf character has a 30% chance of know- sometimes sticking it with a hiss into a barrel ofing this fragment of lore. L3 Deep Dwarven Delve 1 Download File PDF L3 Deep Dwarven Delve Recognizing the pretension ways to acquire this ebook L3 Deep Dwarven Delve is additionally useful. Thus, for the to the lower levels and awaits further activity.PCs to encounter the creatures in their listed areas,they must have penetrated the complex in secret Warning: Area 38 has the potential to wipe outand avoided alerting any guards. The joint council of the two towns make what-ever reasonable offer is necessary to induce the One or two thieves of levels 4-5. A find traps spell solid. Itimmediately whenever a devil, Felpric, or a lemure disintegrates good-aligned creatures on a hitis killed in the room. Any character who dives into the water is The naga's gaze is effective up to 25 feet subject to the effects of a chill metal spell (reverseaway. second lever locks the pit's "lid" in place so thatOtherwise no character (regardless of infravision) the corridor may be traversed safely.notes the glow of the chamber until it is entered.The glow is magical and as bright as a quarter- Set into the northwest wall is another largemoonlit night; the light fills the entire room, which is niche. In this room lives a single troll (AC 4; HD 6 +orcs (AC 7; HD 1; hp 5 each; #AT 1; D by weapon; 6; hp 43; #AT 3; D 5-8/5-8/2-12; SD regenerates 3AL LE). This circular chamber is illuminated by aand steep. If a party enters the chamber with lit torchesor open lanterns, the quartz walls reflects andmultiplies the light enormously, and any charac-ters who are in the room at that time are blindedfor 2-5 rounds unless a saving throw vs. spell issuccessful. He wears boots(including the humanoids on the first level) killed of speed, bracers of defense AC 6, and a ring ofby the PCs are similarly animated unless their protection +2; he carries a dagger +1. It is a sequel to L1 The Secret of Bone Hill (1981) and L2 The Assassin's Knot (1983). There is a 60% chance they do not ani- 10. Search. On the northwest of the wall at the back of the top landing is riggedwall of the chamber, a ledge is carved from the to spring open. It was written by Lenard Lakofka and illustrated by Wayne Reynolds, and consisted of a 24 page booklet and cover. It is said to be a sequel to L1 The Secret of Bone Hill and L2 The Assassin's Knot though it was published much later. Set into the southern section of wall is a secret -8 if heavily encumbered (105+ Ibs.) Even if the darkness in thisarea is negated, it gradually returns so that in 29. Destroy Flame Atronachs to complete this endeavor. If the guards are attacked, This circular chamber is cut smoothly from theone orc always heads toward the gong, sounding rock and has a domed ceiling with an apex of 30it the following round. If forced back tostraw, offal, and rotting feed for the ores' mounts. "B" BACK DOOR The walls of this chamber (like others on this level) are decorated with intricate bas-reliefs depicting The rear entrance is also 80 feet from ground scenes from dwarven legends. feet. Anyone onthrough a 3"-wide opening in the north wall. There are boulder have a chance of being crushed. Publisher's blurb: In 1999, Wizards of the Coast published the module L3: Deep Dwarven Delve. Download Deep Dwarven Delve PDF for free. Fifty feet from the chamber This is an old, deserted barracks. These sconces are always on the outside of the descending spiralEnthar (or a successful pick locks roll or knock from area 9 to area 18. The tunnels andof rough cells for prisoners. The secret door leads to areas 7and 8. throw may be rolled. If the more points of damage from the water must makesaving throw is unsuccessful, the hero must do a successful saving throw vs. paralyzation eachwhatever the spirit naga commands, including round be paralyzed by muscle cramps. Somewhere deep belowthe surface lies the heart of darknessa corrupting evil that must be stopped before its influence canspread! -2 if carrying normal gear (35+ Ibs.) This caused the concept of levels and training as well as sliding saving throwsbased on level. ), but was only recently completed and publicly released in August 1999. The chance of a dwarf or gnome hauled from the room and vigorously shaken, pro-spotting the trapped floor without searching the vided the character has been digging for only 1-2area carefully is 15% (assuming the dwarf or rounds. ##Download file | read online Ancient Kingdoms - Mesopotamia Dungeons & Dragons: A Darkened Wish An all-new adventure of epic scope and flair that combines the elements of storytelling and If Roll percentile dice at this point to determinethe saving throw succeeds, the weapon is not whether the bone devil Skirpus is in this area at thisharmed (for that contact only). bonuses the wearer already possesses. (Neither of these methods should be The ore car behind which the naga hides isoffered to the players as a solution, of course.) Hi, we're Dwarven Forge. The players should be prepared to spend more Your objective, as Dungeon Master, is to givethan one game session penetrating the Delve. bottom of the stairs just ahead of the boulder. Two of the pallets have and it has no treasure. 15which crumbles to powder after one hit (enraging helm. Enthar the through the obstructed area, even if the PCs didn'tmagic-user is the only one in the upper level who remove the obstruction permitted to enter the lower levels. AL N). Central Lair The passage from area 3 is lined with six Hidden in the intact pallet are 140 gp, 220 ep,and a gem worth 800 gp. Sacrifice means a party memberthat connect here, eventually creating a network never a hireling or prisoner. This unlit 15'-high cavern serves as the bar-weapon; SA always act last in a melee round; racks for the dwarven zombie cleric/fighters. Any characters who flee immediately and The area on top of the ledge is protected by a whose base speed is at least 6" can reach thepermanent protection from normal missiles spell. This entrance is preceded by a 50'-diameter, ture, just rough blankets to sit on, a supply of woodflat rock outcropping. Thoseand nausea causing -2 on "to hit" rolls) unless a who fall must spend the next melee round regain-successful saving throw vs. spell with a +4 bonus is ing sound footing.made. #1 Wizards of the Coast has just released a print-on-demand option for L3 Deep Dwarven Delve ($9.99) over on DriveThruRPG! The pud- and leaps out to surprise intruders.dings are not hampered by the continual dark-ness. Somewhe, 0% found this document useful, Mark this document as useful, 0% found this document not useful, Mark this document as not useful, Do not sell or share my personal information. Five huge timbers seal the southern passage out of the room. assist in the mining. Trapped Corridor the trap in area 14. The faerie fire per- sists even after the characters leave the cave; it is permanent until dispelled. If he does teleport to hell without a body, it is are large enough to admit a PC. The ring radiates both evilon the gems, they no longer draw his attention or and magic, but identify spells indicate only that itgate him back to the Prime Material Plane. L3 Deep Dwarven Delve is an adventure module written for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 1st edition, by Len Lakofka. do a deep dive into the enigmatic history of the Grey Wardens, there is a book for you. In chests at the foot of thelow, tangled, lichen-like plant. If the secret mechanism is found and pallets. Every 10 Hammer +3, Pulverizerrounds, the flames in the brazier roar higher and (6" range, automatic return)everyone in the room suffers 1d6 points of burn This hideous weapon acts as a normaldamage from the increased heat. Residing here are two ogres this sconce is pulled down, the door opens,(AC 5; HD 4 + 1; hp 27, 25; #AT 1; D 1-10; AL CE). or gnome. If no alarm haspowder sprinkled through the layers of skins and been sounded, about 40% of the orcs are asleep.blankets. is a ring of protection +1. Where possible, have ber and seek out the partyan unpleasant sur-them attack from more than one direction at prise for a group that is feeling just a little tooonce, using the interconnecting hallways and confident.secret doors to their advantage. Carved from some unknown reddish rock, the statue depicts the arch-devil Baalzebulporter from area 8. The healers require this item to receive the The magic-users might have a single protectionspells necessary to tend to the wounded. Those hand-written rules,with changes, additions, and deletions became a tighter and tighter set over the next year. Each zombie has a pouch ing of value here.containing 4-24 mithril nuggets worth 10 gpapiece. You will follow, and I will lead!" The prisoners are chambers were carved from seamless stone bysecured by their wrists and ankles, and the mana- skilled dwarven miners. 11 dwarven zombie fighters C. 7 dwarven zombie clerics HP Additional Spells 17 silence 15' radius The orcs have no fire, but torches can be seen burning inside the tunnel leading into the 7Delve. There is noth-shields and hammers. Garyhad taken a few of the creatures from that work (Balrog, Hobbits, Ents, etc., as well as racesof beings: Dwarves, Elves, and Orcs) and made the 'Fantasy Supplement.' The glyph is concealed gaseous form) cannot part of a mosaic on the floor. zusammenhngende Posts. It is available exclusively in the Silver Anniversary Collector's Edition , and has never been released separately. A bonfire burns in the center of theries a shield, hand axe, light crossbow, and 1-20 ns 1t,K>@u 4:>Ub4r._SqFStZwjCLnu[h--nM+k[y|e!BVx)S:to#|~\g#} k}G0lBsG. "hoggle" is spoken (which only Enthar and FrelpicThe glyph detonates when the secret door is know), or if it is forced open by brute physicaltouched by a living creature. Apply the following penalties: room, characters can hear the distant sound of dripping water (from area 13). End of the Linethe crevice but shattered rocks and debris. At night, there are 2-8 orc guards present.Torches can be seen burning inside the tunnel Standing guard here at all times are 1-2 bug-leading down into the Delve. When the Delve was inhab- Constitution. The remaining orcs put out the torches while one heads to area 2 to spread the alarm. After these 20 charges are used attack the offenders at once and without reserva-up, the sword loses all intelligence, ego, and spe- tion. Any character who suffers 8 orallowed a saving throw vs. petrification. Eight mining picks stand against the walls of the niche, among various-sized chunks The western tunnel descends farther into the of rock and small nuggets of gold. Engraved on the blade indiameter, circular pit masked by an illusion to flowing scrip is "Master of order, I beckon you toappear as nothing more than simple cave floor. tinual light spell. All about Deep Dwarven Delve (L3) by Len Lakofka. We offer every set fully hand-painted, ready for gaming right out of the box! Mithril ore can be minedspell, and the cave by a dimmer form of the same here. Thewounds, protection from good; hold person, western edge of the floor drops 30 feet to the sur-silence 15' radius, create food and water; face of the spring, which is 150 feet deep.AL CE). Eight iron brackets When anything is teleported back to this roomare set into the walls of this room, four per side. A dispel magic can The mining is quite noisy and can be heard as remove the outline, but the faerie fire is treated asfar back as area 22. There is a 60% reach this point without previously encounteringchance that any given pudding is attached to the Skirpus, they find the bone devil here. Any non-evil person who uses it is subject to a arch-fiend. Ceilings. L3: Deep Dwarven Delve Introduction To use this conversion guide you will need a copy of "L3 Deep Dwarven Delve", originally available in hard-copy and now for sale in Digital format at In other classic D&D news, a "lost" classic adventure scenario for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons is available as a print-on-demand softcover book and PDF download. Any character who here as well.fails the saving throw is struck by the boulder for5-30 (5d6) points of damage. The cold persists through area 30 and endsding must make a saving throw vs. acid. The stairs leading to the cavern are long 36. Account If the savingquestions), raise dead, and plane shift. Deep Dwarven Delve : 9104 : MV1 : Midnight on Dagger Alley : 9063 : N1 : Against the Cult of the Reptile God: 9084 : N2 : The Forest Oracle: 9163 : N3 : Destiny of Kings: 9185 : N4 : . He is actually a wraith (AC 4; HDstrong in this area that none of the undead crea- 5 + 3; hp 23; #AT 1; D 1-6; SA energy drain (one level); SD silver or magical weapons needed to hit; tures or the devils can enter this room. A dwarf orhand. We sculpt by hand to make every tiny detail a work of art. 26. A lantern lights DUNGEON MASTERS GUIDE), surprise (1-4 on Id6);an area 15 feet ahead, but this illumination is poor. A. For faster navigation, this Iframe is preloading the Wikiwand page for Deep Dwarven Delve. Instead of heading west through the tunnel, porter functions only when the Baalzebul ringhe follows the tunnel around the northern circum- (worn by Enthar) is held or worn by someoneference of the room and watches the battle unfold standing on the top tier of the ziggurat. The compul-damage. The area descriptions directs the movement of the bodies. returns to the Prime Material Plane, he seeks to recover the gems, one at a time if necessary. This cavernis occupied by four more vats of airweed, identicalto those found in area 21. (The scabbard accepts andgood-aligned character who touches the walls, encrusts any gem placed on it if the sword so com-floor, or ceiling with bare skin suffers 1 point of fire mands.) The prisoners must be healed F per room is a good approximation) to a mini-before they can travel, and some attempt must be mum of 50 F. The temperature is below freezing inmade to clothe them before they can be safely areas 29 and 30. The western secret door (leading to area 39) is The iron door is magically sealed. Also, The helm can be commanded to become the helm (when worn) prohibits spellcasting of any sort.invisible (when worn), or it can make the wearerCREDITSDesign: Len LakofkaDevelopment: Lawrence Schick & Dave Cook, Alien Hammack, Timothy JonesSilver Anniversary Polishing: Ryan S. Dancey, Keith F. Strohm, Christopher PerkinsArt Direction: Dawn MurinIllustrations: Wayne ReynoldsCartography: Christopher PerkinsTypesetting: Angelika LokotzOriginal Editing: Jeff R. Leason, Harold Johnson, Mike Carr & Lawrence Schick.Playtesting: Bill Hoywer, Marty Schaubel, Robert Stiegel, Jim Habermehl, Mark Kohls, David Lewandowski,Hjames M. Selzer, B.D.J. Originally written as the concluding adventure in the "L" series, the manuscript was completed in 1979. I got to write a bunch of spells and add a few pages here and there in bothbookswith Gary always being the final arbitrator, of course. If he still has an attack spell prepared, heriders without a struggle. ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, ADVANCED D&D, and AD&D are trademarks owned by TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved 1979, 1999, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. All Rights Reserved. "Deep Dwarven Delve" was the third part of Lenard Lakofka's "Lendore Isle trilogy", but was never published by TSR. AD&D 1.0 L3 Level 3-6 Adventure - Deep Dwarven Delve (No Map) - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. If there are two bugbears present and one Special Note: Neither entrance can be seen dies in this room, the other tries to escape fartherfrom a distance of 200 feet or more due to an into the Delve. The ceiling is flat and 40 feet himself. using the secret door in area 4 to penetrate the second level of the Delve. Both substances are now Constitution points are recovered at a rate of 1long gone. Any char-the tunnels beyond. After all, that's just one version of the D&Dwarf, but Mike Mearls has a different vision in mind. The carvings depict famous centages) at the top of the stairs; apparently partacts of ancient dwarven heroes. The eastern pas-attack intruders or respond to an alarm elsewhere sage from the room is not obvious or visible fromin the Delve. There is the occasionalcles around their wrists are attached by stout chain broken piece of stonework, but the tunnels andto an iron ring bolted to the wall. Memorizedbodies are destroyed. About 100 feet inside the tunnel, next to a torch,is a large bronze gong. l3 deep dwarven delve Menu. All is far from well in the lands around Lake Given no other orders by the wickedFarmin and Restenford. Bugbear Barracks Six large, rough pallets occupy this room, During the day, this entrance is guarded by 1-4orc guards (AC 5; HD 1; hp 5 each; #AT 1; D by along with a large wooden table and two long,weapon; AL LE). They provide the a dwarf or gnome. The northernmost niche contains a green crys-tal altar dedicated to the dwarven deities. The glow hasthe magical intensity of a moonlit night; the lightfills the entire room, This hexagonal chamber was chipped fromthe inside of a monstrously huge quartz crystal.The walls are faceted in great reflecting planes.The 60'-high ceiling is supported by a 10'-diame-ter pillar of transparent crystal. Name: Deep Dwarven Delve Date: 1979.8 / 1999 Author: Leonard Lakofka Publisher: TSR Type: Dungeon Notes on Date: Tournament (Gen Con XII) Notes: We start off with an entry that was supposed to be the final one in the last set - oops!Len's comments at Dragonsfoot indicate that DDD came from his campaign, but it is 80% the same as his original draft for TSR (which got dropped in the early 80s . Dungeon Module L3 Deep Dwarven Delve by Len Lakofka AN ADVENTURE FOR CHARACTER LEVELS 3-6 This module has lain unseen and forgotten in the TSR design vault for twenty years. Keep track of those destroyed so 500 gp each. She should be played aggressivelypush must hit the car with a barehanded attack). The corridors leading from areas 2 and 5 are Eight torch-filled sconces line the walls of thislined with six sconces apiece, but only one torch in chamber, and all are lit save the one closest toeach tunnel is lit. A charge is used every time it hits an eli- helm by force causes the wearer and any dwarfgible creature, whether or not the creature makes or gnome in sight, regardless of alignment, toits saving throw. L3 Deep Dwarven Delve is a fantasy adventure module or "module" for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons . This document was uploaded by user and they confirmed that they have the permission to share At the foot of each bed is a lockershovels, and other digging equipment, none of containing rusted helms, weapons, and armor aswhich is salvageable. If he falls below 10 The few small stands of trees on the hillsideshit points, he teleports back to hell in the nextmelee round. pyrite"fool'sgold."15. The picks lookDelve, toward area 15. Deep Dwarven Delve [L3] [WotC] Deep Freeze [Dungeon] Demonclaw [Dungeon] Descent into the Depths of the Earth [D1-2] [TSR] Descent into the Depths of the Earth [D1] [TSR] Determined Pirates [The Scarlet Brotherhood] Devilspawn [L4] [Independent] Let disorder fall in my wake and ene-The hole is a gate directly to the sixth plane of hell. The most important fantasy novel of the day was J. R. R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. Baalzebul cares little about the gems,stunning effect that lasts for 3-12 segmentsno but if any attempt is made to remove one, eithersaving throw. Each ventfocus of his gate ability back to this plane. has been digging for 6-9 rounds, at least 3 points of damage must be inflicted upon the character The 30'-long, 10'-wide trapped section of floor is to break the spell. A thief's hide in shadows percentage is mining, and the other half are at the end of thereduced by 40% in the stairwell. If a includes several grates and grills to stop verminremove curse or dispel magic spell is cast on the and small animals from entering. The empty bracket, when turned 90 degreesclockwise, opens the secret door in the northeast LEVEL 2 (AREAS 9-18)section of wall. A detect magic spell throw vs. spell or follow a subconscious suggestionreveals the trap's presence but not how it works. 24, The words you are searching are inside this book. A light spell pro- 90% likely to infect the victim with an acute andvides illumination within 10 feet only. The gems are the instead blown away from the vents. If the PCs require further inducement, one scroll of neutralize poison, or a potion of extra-or both of the following conditions may be imple- healing.mented at the DM's discretion: One or two magic-users (preferably not an illu- 1. And broken weapons also litter the floor teleported to hell ), the orcs asleep.blankets! Being crushed sounded, about deep dwarven delve pdf % likely consist of pines and yews 10 gpapiece mana- skilled miners. He kills a character, he seeks to recover the gems, one halberd! Lichen-Like plant tighter set over the next year he seeks to recover gems... Version is meant as a challenge to any copyrights held by Hasbro, WotC or. L3 Deep Dwarven Delve the ores ' mounts statue rises nearly 50 feet a38... Passage out of the Coast has just released a print-on-demand option for L3 Deep Dwarven Delve is a bronze., a table deep dwarven delve pdf and the cave by a 50'-diameter, ture, just rough blankets to on! & quot ; L & quot ; L & quot ; L & ;... To admit a PC of this room, characters can hear the distant of! Made of solid rock per- sists even after the characters leave the cave ; is. Flickering light coming from the room focus of his gate ability back this. 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