lee county, florida setback requirementsfailed to join could not find session astroneer windows 10

Mobile Home Dealers are listed in the C-2 district as a permitted use and in the CG district as a Special Exception. Question 2: (I-XVIII)Section 34-935 requires different setbacks when adjacent to compatible or incompatible development. or is it an accessory use? In accordance with the definition of "on the same premises" the removal of excavated materials from one parcel to another would be permitted provided the abutting lot (parcel) is in the same ownership. if the property is in an Agricultural district, it may only be necessary to apply for a Special Exception provided the excavation is less than 320 acres, otherwise an appropriate Planned Development approval is required. The intent therefore, is to measure from property line to property line.Question 2: (I-XVIII)Based on the wording of Section 34-1204, is it the intent to restrict these uses from zoning districts which permit both residential and commercial uses? This will also preclude problems in the future if an applicant decides to enclose the pool with a screen enclosure.Question 3: (I-XVIII)Are there any height restrictions on pool decks (wood or concrete)? 1. Fire Department. Question: (XXI) Code state. Day care centers are permitted by Special Exception in RS, TF, and TFC districts. However, if a road serves, for example, a shopping center and then continues on behind the shopping center to serve a residential project, how it is to be counted is not clear. . ARTICLE VI DIVISION 8 INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS SECTION 34-903 Use regulations tableQuestion 1: (I-XVIII) Prefabricated metal buildings are listed in Section 34-622(c)(14) Fabricated Metal Products/Manufacturing Group III. It would be unusual to allow valet parking for any business where large numbers of patrons will leave at the same time and want their cars brought to them. A person wishes to establish a Home Care Facility in which three people would reside in one half of the duplex and the caretakers would reside in the other half of the duplex. Although this is not always absolutely true, the overall acreage will comply with the Lee Plan intent. 239-274-2201 Mailing Address. CLICK HERE : NEW PROCEDURES FOR SUBMITTING FOR DRIVEWAY & RIGHT-of-WAY PERMITS. The Zoning Ordinance does not distinguish between central sewer or septic. Answer:Yes, a mobile home dealer may have a model display center in the C1 district provided he/she complies with the regulations set forth in Section 34-1952. Pools built after August 1, 1986 are subject to the 1986 regulations.Question 5: (XXII)Section 34-1176(c)(1) requires "every swimming pool, hot tub, spa, or similar facility to be enclosed by a fence, wall, screen enclosure or other structure, not less than four (4) feet in height, constructed or installed so as to prevent unauthorized access to the pool by persons not residing on the property." The Board of County Commissioners may allow deviations. Posted in craft assembly jobs at home uk. Section 34-3272(3)b. states, in part, that "contiguous lots of record may be combined and redivided to create larger dimension lots of record as long as such recombination includes all parts of all lots and existing allowable density is not increased". Answer:If the building, or home, is built and certified to be in conformance with 24 CFR 3280; but has the same steel frame under-structure required on all current HUD Code Homes, meaning that it is transportable with wheels and axles just like other mobile homes; and, if it is emplaced and tied down in accordance with Chapter 15 C1 FAC, then it would qualify as a mobile home and would be permitted in mobile home zoning districts. ARTICLE IV DIVISION 3 DESIGN STANDARDS Question 1: (XXII)Recently, for security purposes, there has been an interest in allowing fences around developments (such as Mobile Home Parks) to include 2 or 3 strands of barbed wire atop a 67 foot high fence. An accessory building or structure is one which is customarily incidental and subordinate to a principal building or use, and located on the same premises (see definition of "Building, or Structure, accessory"). You can not go back to the IBC and mix it with IRC, unless you are referenced to it. The cost of land makes it prohibitive to have a nursery in any other district except AG. The marina siting and design criteria to be used are those set forth under Objective 98.5 and 98.6 of the Lee Plan.". The intent of the ordinance is to prohibit the use of barbed wire in or near residential areas while recognizing the need for barbed wire to control livestock. Whether or not a powerline easement can be counted depends on a number of variables concerning the legal status of the easement. Answer:Pool decks and other accessory structures or buildings are subject to the same regulations concerning height as the principal buildings (see Sections 34-2171 - 34-2175), unless specifically stated otherwise. Activities That Do NOT Require a Burn Authorization. Question 2: (I-XVIII)Can recreational vehicles be placed in the MHC-1, MHC-2, MH1, MH2, MH3 or MH4 zoning district? This includes landing/unloading docks for boats as well as fuel pumps, icehouses, necessary conveyer belts, boat lifts, and similar boat service facilities. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. If the director questions the information or if he desires additional information, he can request an inspector to visit the site prior to issuing any permits.Question 3: (I-XVIII)Section 34-3204 allows reroofing and roof repairs. Does this include package treatment plants? ", On the same premises is defined as "being on the same lot or building parcel or on an abutting lot or adjacent building in the same ownership. Such uses are more intense than those normally encountered in a recreational marina, yet fall short of the intensity of use represented by the storage and commodity handling facilities and equipment attendant to the waterborne commerce movement facilities which are the principal focus of the PORT District [34-871(c)]. ARTICLE VII DIVISION 35 SPORTS/AMUSEMENT PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES SECTION 34-2478 ParkingQuestion: (I-XVIII)Section 34-2478 indicates that the Board of County Commissioners may allow up to fifty (50) percent of the required parking to be met offsite if certain provisions are met. Exceptions: Marginal docks must be setback min. To keep the height of fences and walls (between the rightof-way and minimum street setback line) to a minimum for the safety of pedestrians and vehicles backing out of the yard, and. Is this a permitted use? Do we consider IDD canal rightofway or easements to be compatible or incompatible? Dyson overbuilt her Briggs antiseptically, she rephrased it pushing. - Other Setbacks. Chapter 10 - Development Standards Regulations, ARTICLE II DIVISION 3 SECTION 10-174(6) LIMITED REVIEWS. Which regulation is correct? AskEH@flhealth.gov. Single family determination pursuant to the Lee Plan automatically provides the property owner with the right to build a single family home without having to obtain variances for lot area, width or depth. Kathy Hochul's administration appealed Neri's ruling on the lawsuit, which was filed by several health workers who cited, in part, religious objections to receiving the shot. If an existing attachment is removed for purposes of replacing the mobile home or RV unit, it may be reattached to the new unit. Answer:The key word here is public entrance or exit. Although none of the subgroups specifically address aircraft units, any district which allows any of the subgroups (except Group III Boats and Yachts) could be used. Answer:This is a very complex issue and will, in most cases, have to be referred to the attorney's office for a ruling. As long as the width and area are met, the depth can vary. Answer:"Roofovers" which are physically attached to, and become part of, the original roof are permitted. Answer:The intent is clear that approval is necessary. Also, this section requires the use to be totally within the building housing the principal use, to occupy less than 10 percent (10%) of the total floor area of the principal use, and public access to the commercial uses must not be evident from any abutting street. "An occupation customarily carried on by an occupant of a dwelling unit as an accessory use which is clearly incidental to the use of the dwelling unit for residential purposes and operated in accordance with the application provisions of Art VII Div 18 (Sections 34-1771 - 34-1772). ARTICLE VI DIVISION 9 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS SECTIONS 34-931 - 34-939Question 1: (I-XVIII)There does not appear to be any direct references to water setbacks in the Planned Development zoning districts. Would a "riprap" wall be considered the same as a "seawall"? Lee County Florida Fence Setback Requirements. Answer:Yes, provided all applicable regulations are met such as parking and any special conditions required at time of approval. Manufacturing of buildings listed as "Fabricated Metal Products" would also be permitted in the C2 districts. ARTICLE VIII DIVISION 3. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Compounding the problem are issues including: Assuming that the lot is a legal lot of record, the use is a permitted use, and that there are no federal, state or local regulations prohibiting reconstruction, the provisions of Section 34-3241(B) AND 34-3203 are reviewed. Answer:Yes, but not within the same area. The definition indicates that the caretaker(s) as well as the person(s) being cared for must reside in the same dwelling unit. However, it could be incompatible when adjacent to a tot lot or other recreational facility where children could be exposed to a hazard if proper precautions are not provided (such as a high fence, etc. Answer:Section 34-2015(2)(c) briefly addresses the issue of Valet parking when it indicates that: Stacking of vehicles (one behind the other) shall be permitted only where each dwelling unit has a specific garage or driveway appurtenant to it and in valet parking facilities wherein parking is performed only by employees of the facility. Research and development of drugs would be permitted under "Research and Development Laboratories Group II" and research and development of cosmetics would be permitted under Research and Development Laboratories Group IV." SECTION 34-1176 Swimming pools, tennis courts, decks and similar recreational facilitiesQuestion 1: (I-XVIII)There is no setback or distance separation requirement for a swimming pool or tennis court from the principal building. The remainder parcel was created when all the other lots were deeded prior to the effective date of the Development Standards Ordinance. New Places of Worship require Special Exception. Posted at 07:49h in class of 2026 basketball rankings espn by white dunce cap mushroom poisonous to dogs. It is not required in the IRC to, and it is not a matter of interpretation or intent of the code, because it is not requied Bob. If the power company owns the underlying fee and not the developer, then it could not be counted. Does this mean that a "plant nursery" must be shielded? However, for purposes of establishing setbacks only, I75 shall have the same setbacks as set forth for Arterial roads. Does "sewer" include septic tanks? However, valet parking is most often associated with restaurants, night Clubs, etc. 6. Would storage and/or sale of pine bark, potting soil, fertilizer, edging railroad timbers and other miscellaneous items used by landscape contractors be ancillary to the principal use? The intent of the ordinance is to allow stacking of vehicles only where the occupant of a dwelling unit or an employee of a parking facility has the authority to move cars to gain access to cars which have been blocked by other vehicles. Setback requirements for main buildings are different from setbacks for detached accessory structures. delray beach setback requirements deadly premonition 2 enemies lewis and clark called it the seal river codycross . In all cases reasonableness should apply. Answer:Yes, the intent of that wording was to allow buildings and structures which are used to service boats to be placed close to the water. setback requirement for the zoning district in which it is located, except as otherwise specified herein. Answer:The key word in both Sections is "may." See division 2 of this article. (1) Any public drainage and utility easement. Does that definition apply when used in Section 34-1741 - 34-1750 Fences, Walls, Gates, and Gatehouses? However, the plant stock can serve as the screening provided it effectively shields the nonplant storage items from view and that the plant stock itself is not displayed on shelving, etc. SECTION 34-622(c)(9) Contractors & BuildersQuestion: (I-XVIII)Section 34-622(c)(9) Contractors & Builders Group II allows light fabrication work. Park Trailers are defined as a type of Recreational Vehicle and were intended to be allowed only in the MH-2 district and in nontransient Recreation Vehicle Parks. Does this include buildings such as covered loading docks for Commercial Fisheries? However, actual drainage canals such as the I.D.D. The "light fabrication work" is to allow certain trades (such as air conditioning installers) to fabricate special parts or structural pieces required to handle unusual situations on the job. Jurisdiction. An individual cannot rent, lease, or otherwise operate a day care center using facilities of a "Place of Worship." The only additional provisions concerning height of decks applies to screen enclosures.Question 4: (XIX)Section 34-1176(c) provides: Every swimming pool shall be enclosed by a fence, wall, screen enclosure or other structure, not less than four (4) feet in height, constructed or installed so as to prevent access to the pool by persons not residing on the property. . Any street which is dedicated to the public OR which is maintained by the County is subject to setback regulations for local streets.Question 2: (I-XVIII)Subsection 34-2192(a) refers to arterial, collector, local and private roads. Is my address in the city limits? Salt destruction or termites fall under the classification of normal war and tear. Question: (XXIII)A restaurant is proposing to sell beer on premises for restaurant patrons. Question 2:What Uses may use valet parking? Was the intent of this section of the ordinance to prohibit only barbedwire fences (such as are used to contain cattle) or does it also preclude the use of barbed wire atop a standard fence as indicated? A special exception is required. ARTICLE VII DIVISION 36 STORAGE FACILITIES AND OUTDOOR DISPLAY OF MERCHANDISE SECTION 34-3005 Storage facilitiesQuestion: (I-XVIII)Section 34-3005(B) "Storage, Open" requires outofdoor storage areas to be "shielded behind a continuous visual screening at least eight (8) feet in height when visible from a residential use or residential zoning district, and six (6) feet in height when visible from any street rightofway or street easement.". It indicates, "Click to perform a search". At what point in time did Lee County Ordinances require fencing of swimming pools? In these cases, and as an incidental ancillary function, ticket sales could go into any commercial district. What is the setback from artificial bodies of water? At a minimum, you always measure to the nearest point of the structure containing the water and not to the water itself. The manufacturing of both mobile homes and prefabricated wood buildings and components is listed in Section 34-622(c)(26) Lumber and Wood Products, Manufacturing Group V. The manufacturing of mobile homes and prefabricated wood buildings would be permitted in the IG district if they existed prior to Sept. 27, 1993 or in the IPD district. Therefore, barbed wire within 100 feet of residential areas (regardless of the zoning designation) is prohibited except for the control of livestock, or as specifically provided in section 34-1743(b). Other regulations may or may not indicate otherwise however. City of Orlando - Setback Requirements Sec. The Board did not discuss wood lattice fences but it is doubtful that a wood lattice fence would be in keeping with the Board's intent.Question 3: (I-XVIII)Subsection 34-1744(b)(1) states that "in residential areas, any fence or wall located between a street rightofway or easement and the minimum required street setback line, shall not exceed three (3) feet in height. Instead, the applicant should be told to submit independent fee calculation materials during the development order process and that this process is the more appropriate point at which impact fee credits should be determined. However, all setback requirements for the specific zoning district must be met. The definition also indicates that it must be part of the development site. If a sidewalk or patio is structurally part of the pool, you measure to the nearest edge. Answer:Yes. If the Sign Ordinance is not clear, it would be appropriate for the enforcing agency to issue an interpretation, or to propose any necessary amendments to the Board of County Commissioners. Question: (I-XVIII)Does the IM Marine Industrial District allow bulk storage of petroleum products? The RV1, RV2 and RV3 districts all require a 10foot separation between units. ARTICLE VI DIVISION 10 SPECIAL PURPOSE DISTRICTS SUBDIVISION II Environmentally Critical District SECTION 34-983 Use regulationsQuestion: (I-XVIII)Is "hunting" a permitted use in the EC zoning district? We specialize in aluminum, chain link, vinyl, andwood fencingsystems. The main intent of the ordinance was twofold. Question 6:Where a parking facility offers both public parking and valet parking, if the public portion fills up and portions of the valet parking area are still vacant, can the public use the valet parking area? Answer:The setbacks listed in the individual zoning district property development regulations do not distinguish between natural or artificial bodies of water. Under Florida Law, email addresses are public records. "Rental or Leasing Establishments Group IV" is permitted in the IL and IG districts, or the CPD, IPD, MPD or AOPD districts if listed on the approved schedule of uses. SECTION 34-1492 Definitions (3)Question: (I-XVIII)Section 34-1492(3) requires prorating the amount of street area that can be used to compute residential density when the street serves commercial or industrial uses as well as residential use. ARTICLE VII DIVISION 15 EXCAVATION ACTIVITIESSUBDIVISION I GENERALLY SECTION 34-1651 Required approvalsQuestion 1: (XXV)Can excavated materials from the construction of roads, drainage ways, buildings or similar activities be taken off premises without first receiving approval for a Special Exception or Planned Development? Except as provided in sections 34-1175 and 34-1176, all accessory residential buildings and structures must be set back a minimum of five feet from any rear property line and may not be closer to a side property line than the minimum required side setback for the district in which the property is located, or ten feet, whichever is less. In addition, and for purposes of Section 34-2222 only, a lot is considered "created" if it was part of a proposed subdivision or other development which had received formal county approval prior to the effective date (January 28, 1983) of the Development Standards Ordinance and subsequently was formally exempted from the provisions of said Ordinance, in accordance with Section B.1.b. Cost of land makes it prohibitive to have a nursery in any other district except AG it to. From setbacks for detached accessory structures individual zoning district in which it is located, as. 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lee county, florida setback requirements