powerful yoruba incantationsfailed to join could not find session astroneer windows 10

"useRatesEcommerce": false I therefore do no more than raise questions to which later inquiry may offer answers. The presupposition that the military use of the horse from the seventeenth century to the nineteenth century in intra-group wars impressed the figure of the animal so indelibly on the reality of the people leaves many questions unanswered. It is not kept in the house but far away in the bush and its consulted only once in a while. Spells Spell is a set of powerful words, spoken or unspoken which are considered by its user to evoke mighty magickal effect on the target. . Such areal features suggest that there might be a great deal more to gain from a systematic inquiry into macro-linguistic units, which gives folklorists no end of delight. Table 2 Borgu and b names by order of birth. Most Yoruba people are natural Yoruba language speakers because the Yoruba culture was primarily an oral heritage. The artistic representation of the horse features in the palace of the ba of Benin for ceremonial purposes, in a setting where horsemanship appeared to call for extra precautions to ensure the security of the ruler. Dido's sister is persuading her to let flow her passion for Aeneas: This matters to the dust, to ghosts in tombs? Of the three terms, only jnu is morphemically analysable in Yorb; the remaining two are arguably loan words. which one of these is covered by a specific type of insurance policy. This is an introduction to incantations: what an incantation is, how it is used, and its significance to wish-making, especially among the Yorb people.Than. It is an advanced form of 'Ase'. Catch Flame is one of the most powerful and damaging incantations in Elden Ring, despite its short range. The river is also most important because it holds the sign of Qiyamah, Almighty Allahs final assessment of humanity. than 25 years experience in the field of Spell Casting / lost love spells caster in Johannesburg Spiritual Healing. If has been said to also play an important role towards achieving the end product of any one healing process. No one gets angry because everything said in anger at that moment will come to pass no matter the magnitude, even if u mistakenly curse your children out of frustration. Its b cultural content and practice differ significantly from its reference and importance in Btonu. Click on the gear icon on the lower-right side of the video pane for the Settings option.3. Again, the relative antiquity of the institution of ba in its y form, and of the office of the Olkn in in particular, interests us here. 8 Sns offers this formative on page 14 of his typescript (Reference Sansn.d.) Yorb medicine, or egbogi, is an African system of herbalism practiced primarily in West Africa and the Caribbean. What is the direction of change? It is more likely to be the case that the treasure mentioned in the hadith of Thawbaan (may Allah be pleased with him) is the treasure that will be uncovered when the water level of the Euphrates drops, or it may be something else. It is a charm used in frightening an enemy or an antagonist. The term yak (arguably derived from the noun phrase y k; literally, mother of husband) refers to a verbal play or joust between a woman married into a family, on the one hand, and, on the other, the siblings of her husband or the children of other wives in the household who precede the woman in their residence in the household. It views the client as an active participant in the healing process, rather than simply a passive recipient of "health care." This position, which informed virtually all of the chapters in Biobaku (Reference Biobaku1973), was espoused by Lucas and by scholars who have since considered his scholarship to be seminal. But the reality is: There has been no mountain of gold found, but only a little bit of gold. Now, consider what Palau Mart has to say about gon in b: J gon, litt., manger le gon: cette expression implique l'exercise de certains droits l'encontre de l'associ gon; ces droits consistent en brimades et insultes qui peuvent driver en voies de fait, mais c'est l le cas exceptionnel , En effect, ici le gon ne s'exerce jamais entre parents de sang; c'est la relation d'alliance qui doit se trouver la base de ce mode d'association qui, par ailleurs, peut s'tablir entre groups en dehors de toute rfrence la parent. This applies to the rm, the first-born son, of the reigning ba, and to r n Kaka--f, the Field Marshall of the Imperial y. Thus, calling one's dog by name delivers the message inherent in its name to all hearers, including the one for whom the speaker intends the message.Footnote 23 Schottman puts it this way: This diplomatic way of expressing oneself when a difference arises is doubly indirect: (a) The dog's owner makes use of a pseudo-addressee (the dog), and (b) the message is formulated with a proverb, therefore with words of which the owner is not the author. Arpita Dass Secret Luck Charm Activation Spell, Attract Wealth Financial breakthrough spells, BENEFITS & USES OF VIBHUTI (BHASMA | HOLY ASH), BEST HERBALIST DOCTOR GAUTENG PROVINCE SOUTH AFRICA, Best Sangoma And Traditional Healer In Bryanston/Sandton/Hydepark, Best Sangoma And Traditional Healer In Cresta/Randburg/Northcliff/Northgate, Best Sangoma And Traditional Healer In Rivonia, Black magic to bring you more money with sacrifice, Black Pigeon Heart Spell That Work For Distant Love, Call In Love This Valentine's Day With These 3 Beginner Love Spells, Can a Black Magic obsession spell be used, CHANGE YOUR LIFE SPELLS TO MAKE YOU RESTART LIFE, CHANGE YOUR LOVERS MIND AND FEELINGS SPELL, Compelling Marriage Love Spell Really Works Bring Peace. And we know that the Romans were aware that rich African kingdoms lay beyond Carthage and the land of the North African Garamantes. (a) Lbn (or lbn) of Od (also called ba obnrin). A typical Yoruba charm. 29 I wish to acknowledge Rowland Abdn in calling our attention to this and to the following excerpt of f. The exceptionally long rkr in this gr If makes a strong visual statement and suggests its verbal corollary from f (incantation), another authoritative Yorb source: Wn n b b y rkr tn, t d rkr lrn. In addition to its sacred characteristics, Ashe-Power also has important social ramifications, reflected in its translation as "power, authority, command.". 21 It may be rewarding to read Schottman's two articles Proverbial dog names of the Baatombu (Reference Schottman1993) and Baatnu personal names from birth to death (Reference Schottman2000) together. He was the, reproductive system (male), bone marrow, life force or ashe, lungs, bronchial passages, mucous membranes, Identifying and removing the causes of the illness, and. in incantations. They do not imply a challenge to intellectual property/ownership. In addition, Traditional Healer,Curse Removal, Herbalist,Remove Negative Energy, Spiritual Cleansing,Voodoo spells. The Yorb world view and epistemology that undergird traditional names and naming inform the we in Table 7, while the very concept of mlwb (Awoniyi Reference Awoniyi and Abimbola1975; Abimbola Reference Abimbola1975) gives force to the jnu metaphor. How to Attract Good Luck and Wealth (with 3 BEST Methods), How to Become a Witch: A Beginners Guide, HOW TO CAST A HAPPINESS SPELL ON YOURSELF, How to cast powerful marriage spells that work fast, How to convince your boyfriend to marry you, How To Curse Someone From a Distance Punish Your Enemies, How to Find Lost Things Ritual to Find Lost Objects. She is considered the protective energies of the feminine force. The separate primordial ritual function of the horse's tail further underscores our conclusion that the horse must be present in the deep and remote history of Yorb tradition and culture, and is less likely to have arrived with more recent migration, or with the military adventurism of jihadists.Footnote 34. Link to this channel: youtube.com/yorubalessonsEmail: yorubarelated@gmail.comMy Intro: https://youtu.be/TU-BSdybVM8V I D E O T I T L E W I T H O U T T O N E M A R K S F O R E A S Y S E A R C H'Oni ma pa. Ola ma pa.' Enu-enu lese fi n pekuro oju ona.R E F E R E N C E D V I D E O S [Of] 1: b Tlgemo B D: https://youtu.be/gKgf89CwL_U Yorb + Change: https://youtu.be/BiXckjj9frw Parts of the Body: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD_ZW3soJYWwKmhnDy3wYfTD3_Uae7i3l H O W T O M A K E M E S P E A K F A S T E R1. Let us have a collective look at the issue. . chautauqua festival 2022. battlefield 2042 eneba They allow, by their formulation and by the rules that govern their use, a tightening of the links that need it most. It causes overwhelming fear unreasonably to human and animals. Render date: 2023-03-01T23:06:52.974Z Perhaps the cardinal point that one should make is that the decision of one Olkn in, the King's Horseman, not to accompany his king in death, as tradition commands, signals a radical subversion of the system of values that has sustained the Yorb culture of governance since the effective organization of the city state in its y manifestation among the Yorb. This is closely related to 'Ijaya'. According to elite practitioners, if we listen to our bodies they will provide us with the preparation and appropriate knowledge we need to regain our balance with our immediate surroundings. The time has come to turn to accessible phenomena and institutions in order to recover the crucial sense of our past; to reassess our present reality; and to chart our path to the future. . In reality, gon in this context never takes place among members related by blood; rather, relationships or ties by marriage may serve as the basis for association beyond anything that has to do with blood or birth.Footnote 15. For example, fingers are offsprings of the hand, m w in Yorb. More importantly, neither yak nor gon has a known reflection or cognate in any identifiable Middle Eastern tradition. This page was last edited on 11 June 2022, at 10:48. jnu expressions point to a pristine contact with the vehicle they refer to: namely, the horse. Incantations can make things magically materialise and mostly follow the logic of observational truisms. The formula can be spoken, sung or chanted. I have no doubt that data from a more systematic inquiry will make us marvel at how a contact purportedly limited to less than eight centuries and based solely on the military use of the horse could have penetrated as deeply into the sinews of Yorb customs and their world view as these expressions, usages and institutional contexts indicate. Good wishes are often referred to as prayers/blessings, and negative wishes are often regarded as curses. Other names provide support for communication between the numinous powers and living beings, as attentive acquiescence or as an element of a propitiatory alliance. Wendy Schottman (Reference Schottman1993) provides a fascinating study of Btonu dog names and naming. Basic philosophies. The African culture is so fascinating and interesting although many view it as being backward and uncivilized. In the language today, kr still has the connotation of Bowen's gloss, and is understood as to be inferior; to be diminished. To extrapolate from the Igbo discourse, whereas the babalwo aspires to ride a horse to material success and recognition note, not to efficacy in divining in the horse we, the discourse and not the speaker is in the saddle. RELATED: Elden Ring: The 10 Best Sorceries, Ranked. Tradition has it that many Orishas (deities/divinities) play a significant role in the life of the Yorbs in this form of medicine. The formula can be spoken, sung orchanted. Where I do not provide comparative data from both languages, I wish to suggest that, in most cases, the data adduced here will still be valuable for our objective. While the claim that allopathic approaches, of which orthodox medicine is a form, is only occupied with getting rid of the symptoms rather than concerned with identifying and removing the causes of illness is not entirely true (e.g., the link between STDs and casual intercourse), homeopathic adherents would suggest that Yorb medicine performs three distinct functions: Modern orthodox medicine has a place for this concept whereby all aspects of the patients needs, psychological, physical and social, and mentally are said to be taken into account and seen as a whole. The rkr from the horse's tail is most suitable for ritual performance purposes, but is unsuitable for babalwo to acknowledge one another at solemn moments, or for dispensing and/or asserting the or effective power, which they alone may deploy during the process of divination. ).Footnote 11. However, from the Yorb viewpoint, traditional Yorb medicine further delves into other aspects in terms of the patient's emotional and spiritual balance/imbalance.Yorubic medicine has come to be widely known in Nigeria as the ultimate traditional medical practice due to its holistic approach to treatment. 34 r in, tail of a horse, features in Yorb funeral rituals, but not the rkr of an ba or of a babalwo. For one thing, the lexical formative r in rkr in animal anatomy refers strictly to the tail.Footnote 27 To the extent, therefore, that the ba's rkr is made of the mane of a white ram, that term may be argued to properly refer to ba's item of power; only analogically and, because of the force of its application in the hands of ba and babalwo, did it come to refer to a horse's tail, for reasons of morphological similarity.Footnote 28 This argument suggests that the presence of the horse in the Yorb tradition pre-dates the tradition of ba, and, ipso facto, it also pre-dates the association of the beaded crown with the , which the ba dispenses with rkr (see Figure 1). Where does Voodoo and black magic come from? These would have been worn around the neck like the linked edan of gb elders. . Your email address will not be published. Pause the video.2. It is more likely to be the case that the treasure mentioned in the hadith of Thawbaan (may Allah be pleased with him) is the treasure that will be uncovered when the water level of the Euphrates drops, or it may be something else. Types and forms of Yoruba incantations. Afose. Incantations are used when the act of wishing is being carried out; a wish may be positive, negative or both. How much is breast enlargement in South Africa? I have adopted Palau Marts list for the purposes of this study. Each access way or path vanishes or, better still, merges into orta in a manner similar to the estuaries of a river emptying themselves into a basin, a sea or an ocean, which may be traversed to enter into another access way. The Mayehun formula goes with a simple incantation. We have more. The term crossroads, most commonly used to gloss the Yorb lexical item orta, does not adequately convey its meaning. Even where power and authority are concerned, the horse we empowers both the source of the information and the people as the ultimate fountainhead of authority, as the phrases below suggest: in ppr k mn ju ni t gn n l, a straw horse does not know the road better than its rider, ni t gbni gin ln k spk lk, the person who puts one on the mount gives one the authority to act the role. Here again, however, I entertain a huge dose of scepticism. hasContentIssue true, The horse in Yorb discourse and material culture, The horse and rider predicate in personal names and naming, The horse in other spheres of Yorb life, Copyright International African Institute 2018. Phrases relating to horses and their equipment, Names that incorporate the horse and rider predicates, https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parent__plaisanterie, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bariba_people, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yoruba_people, https://ich.unesco.org/en/dcisions/9.COM/10.31, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kisra_legend, https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/1999/07/990712080500.htm, https://www.upi.com/Scientists-say-humans-may-have-triggered-desertification-of-the-Sahara/9811489520599/. It is somewhat difficult to prepare but there are some simple formulas too, however they also vary in degree of potency. The Tigris and Euphrates Rivers are drying up, and these are the very rivers that were once a critical part of the Cradle of Civilization in ancient Mesopotamia 2000 years before Christ. Also referred as "divine messenger"; a prime negotiator between negative and positive forces in body; enforcer of the "law of being". Certainly, non-military visual representations of the horse require explanation in such a setting, in the absence of putative belated sixteenth- to nineteenth-century contact with the animal. which states that: illnesses and diseases should be treated with chemical agents that produce effects that are in opposition to those exhibited by the illnesses being treated. The worldview of a priest involves training and discipline to interpret events that are indicative of the nature of the patient's alignment with their own conscious and unrecognized issues, as well as with a variety of external forces and beings which inhabit our realm and require the inner vision and wisdom of the priest to interpret. Oyelakin suggests that the major difference between Yorb medicine and orthodox medicine is that the former is homeopathic in nature while the later is allopathic. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. View all Google Scholar citations What is the difference between a sangoma and a traditional healer? They are strictly intended for entertainment-related, educational and historical purposes. The existence of the Euphrates Tunnel has not been confirmed. Since it is conceivable that one culture borrows only a form or only a form and meaning without its sociological context, a cognate relationship that includes the latter might suggest a more intensive or more sustained relationship over a greater length of time. It is difficult to ascertain the exact origin(s) of ase in Yoruba culture. Names in column three involve simple, uni-lexical predicates d, to develop into or become, and t, become equal to while the complement or object in each case is ynb, white person. From Schottman (Reference Schottman1993), modesty and the care taken not to offend anyone and/or cause embarrassment to other people, no matter their status in relation to the speaker, make the culture invest in dogs as a language surrogate by using gnomic expressions when a dog's name is not based on its coat colour or on any other physical trait. 5 Estimated total population in 2016 is given as 43 million, with 40 million in Nigeria and 1.7 million in Benin (). (Palau Mart Reference Palau Mart1992, emphasis added). Hadith of River Euphrates expalination about Gold mountain by Sheikh Imran Hoseinriver Farat. * Note: This suggests that Btonu does not add identical denomination and does not, unlike Yorb, count and/or name denominations in multiples using the number units two to ten, as in ogj and gta. Efun Native Chalk Medicine Preparation, Benin City, Nigeria Search: Powerful Yoruba Incantations. Given the West Africa heritage in the Americas, there can be no doubt that The Dozens owes its origin to this West African antecedent (see Dollard Reference Dollard and Dundes1990; Wald Reference Wald2012). 6 The term contact will serve us in this study to refer to the encounter with both the Islamic and the Christianized Western European worlds. 2022. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0001972017000900, If art objects: an interpretation based on oral traditions, Yoruba Art and Language: seeking the African in African art, mluwabi: the fundamental basis of Yoruba traditional education, Grammar and Dictionary of the Yorb Language with an Introductory Description of the Country and People of Yoruba, Beads Body and Soul: art and light in the Yorb universe, Tell My Horse: voodoo and life in Haiti and Jamaica, The Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces: Volume 1, A k: Yorb proscriptive and prescriptive proverbs, Centre for Advanced Studies of African Society, Proverbial dog names of the Baatombu: a strategic alternative to silence, Baatnu personal names from birth to death, Department of African Languages and Literatures, University of If, Comparative terms for equine' in West African languages. But why should one undertake such a laborious task for the purpose of self-gratification about historical antecedence and relatedness? How to overcome financial problems with spiritual money spells? We use cookies to distinguish you from other users and to provide you with a better experience on our websites. The pre-eminence of representations of the horse in modern Yorb visual art defies explanation, if we assume that contact with the horse occurred as late as the ninth century CE. incantations in order to highlight their beauty as a literary genre. I surmise that such an interrogation would be unlikely to corroborate the hypothesis of a Middle Eastern origin that is anywhere near as recent as existing historical conjectures propose. Do Btonu have a similar system? Total loading time: 0 Is protection from Evil and good a good spell? Sop k kr n d ay implies that Sop is by no means a novice at the game of ay. The dog serves many purposes in the Yorb homestead. It is, therefore, important that the horse again features literally and figuratively not only in citations of the mighty and the lowly among human beings in society, but also in citations of all remarkable objects of human experience, including elements of thoughts. This, then, argues against the suggestion or insinuation that the trope gn owes the physical presence and power that the devotees perceive and experience when the medium is possessed to a Middle Eastern tradition whose godhead is both remote and impermissibly awe-inspiring. 30 4). Search: Powerful Yoruba Incantations. In 2010, there were 30 million speakers, according to estimates. 24 For items taken directly from Schottman (Reference Schottman1993), I have substituted the Yorb orthographic symbols and for the IPA symbols and respectively throughout. Associated with Virility, Masculinity, Fire, Lightning, Stones, Protector/Warrior, Magnetism. Ayinla, Sangodare Search: Powerful Yoruba Incantations. There are variety of incantations in many cultures around the world. Yoruba Language. In the Bariba kinship system, the relationship between nephew and maternal uncle is valued, and the nephew can appropriate his uncle's property.Footnote 16. Check your inbox to be the first to know the hottest news. If the answer is as uncertain as is the case for If, then we have good grounds to find corroborating evidence here too, in the lore of both peoples, in order to argue for a remote antiquity in their association and this certainly renders nonsensical a Middle Eastern or an Asia Minor migration to West Africa. Those engaging in the joust are said to j yak literally, to eat yak, as glossed above. What do you call someone who does voodoo? From the story of the horse, we can interpret both the collective (contact) and separate external and internal histories of the Btonu and Yorb peoples; this is at least as intriguing as what can be deduced from the points made above, and it certainly may point to the consequences of the inquiry suggested above. 1 Homer, The Iliad, I in Mack (Reference Mack1995: 5058). How is an obsession spell different from a love spell. Anincantation, aspell, acharm, anenchantmentor abewitchery, is amagical formulaintended to trigger, amagicaleffect on apersonor objects. According to Olorishas, she is the amniotic fluid in the womb of the pregnant woman, as well as, the breasts which nurture. It is not surprising that in has an integral place in the apparatus of the state among the Yorb. How To Get A Man To Marry You Within 1 Month, HOW TO GET FORTUNE TELLER IN SOUTH AFRICA, HOW TO GET LEGITIMATE PSYCHIC MEDIUMS IN SOUTH AFRICA, How to go back in time in Detroit Michigan, How to know if someone is using muthi on you, How to make a difficult woman fall in love, How to make a love potion for your crush that really works. !What is incantation in Tagalog?! He writes, on the basis of a careful consideration of the evidence: More generally, the great diversity of West African equine vocabulary with its large number of apparently unrelated roots, tends to suggest that the spread of the horses within West Africa took place in relatively remote times. Vowel harmony, however, may arguably spread among contiguous languages with but scant regard for extra-linguistic conditioning. How do we test these received myths for validity? In addition to these macro-units having referential meanings, each also defines the specific socio-psychological context of its usage. 4] on a table at Dawnseeker Promontory on the Isle of Thunder Yorb Lessons with Adrnk You compose and speak in the way you know how to She was living with my sister before she died a few months ago and my sister has concerns of witchcraft as the picture was just found What passes for Yoruba traditional medicine includes. 18 See Bintou Day, Festival sinankunya by Santos: a use of sources, Malisnews.com, 7 April 2016. Abraham was a German Jew believed to have lived between the 14th and 15th centuries. I wish, therefore, to consider name as the form, and naming as its concomitant and culturally idiosyncratic ethnic or people-specific underpinning. Learn how and when to remove this template message, African philosophy, culture, and traditional medicine, Yorubic Medicine: The Art of divine Herbology, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Yorb_medicine&oldid=1092608411, Articles needing more viewpoints from November 2019, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Yorb Grand Priest and custodian of the Ifa Oracle, source of knowledge is believed to have good knowledge of. Bridles were widely used in the region in the pre-Islamic period, when they served purposes other than military, and horsemanship was hardly a professional skill. As the Yorb omi lnyn excerpt above suggests, it is by no means self-evident that any or all of the peoples in the sub-region of West Africa could not have migrated from the Middle East or from anywhere else, for that matter. But the reality is: There has been no mountain of gold found, but only a little bit of gold. Figure 1c rkr lk (paired beaded fly whisk). In the conventional way they drum, sing, and dance with horse-tail fly-whisk in hand, ride on horseback with or without a weapon (in the case of victory in war or success of a similar nature), and make ritual sacrifice to express their gratitude to rnml. They believe he also advised his people on spiritual baths, inner reflection, and herbal medicine in particular. Source: Drewal and Mason (Reference Drewal and Mason1998: 223). Which lottery is the easiest to win in South Africa? In this essay, I explore the production and use of charm and amulets in Yoruba culture. To do this, there is the need for the understanding of the constitution of man. How to Free Yourself From Black Magic Spells? On the one hand, cognate elements that are clearly identifiable argue for an enduring historical relationship between these two peoples; on the other, probative elements that are shared with other peoples and cultures in the sub-region rule out any suggestion of a conspiracy among all of them to migrate from the Middle East to West Africa in some discoverable historical past. What follows is an invitation to a systematic inquiry that should either yield fresh plausible explanations for issues relating to our common history or confirm existing ones. Table 9 The presence of the horse in Yorb we. This is a charm used by men deliberately to have sex with a woman they think will naturally never want them to have it together. In a similar fashion, terms for body parts are used metaphorically to codify notions of location: for example, nu un n, mouth of pathway, for entrance (Yorb: nu or mouth); etd, river ear, for river bank (Yorb: et or ear); yn la, back of tomorrow, for future. These are Ofo (word), ayajo (Precedents) and Ogede (statements or promises). This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. The names of birth rank that have been commented upon represent a loan to Bk and Borgou; they exist in b but are totally unknown in any other Yorbphone group. Required fields are marked *. It is certainly remarkable that this kind of naming does not occur in any other Yorb subgroup. Other Yoruba charms are:Aluwo, Egbe, Gbekude, AfeeriRead more here. Let us now interrogate macro-linguistic elements for an insight into what may lead us into the choppy waters of a plausible external history of our two peoples. And is said to assist in enhancing the power derived from herbal medicines. The kind of macro-linguistic items that I wish to consider below contain too many experiential components to be easily diffused outside tangible defining contexts. the russian invasion of afghanistan took place in 1979, or 1400 according to the hijri calendar. Within the Yorb group, bFootnote 12 presents us with direct cognate relationships with Btonu. In his piece on "Yorb Culture" Kola Abimbola stipulates that in order to achieve a holistic healing through Yorb medicine, some certain conditions must hold. bouquinistes restaurant paris; private client direct jp morgan; show-off crossword clue 6 letters; thermage near illinois; 2012 kia sportage camshaft position sensor location In order to underscore the fundamental nature of the presence and force of the horse in Yorb we, I examined Owomoyela (Reference Owomoyela1988). Difference between a sangoma and a Traditional Healer, Curse Removal,,. 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