romans 8 commentary spurgeonfailed to join could not find session astroneer windows 10

"For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. I take him a bill to-morrow morning, and he says, "Do you coming begging?" 10. So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that showeth mercy." They all work to bring him to Paradise all work to bring him to the Saviour's feet. 8. He is delivered and I am delivered too. Consider what thou owest to his immutability. The ills of life are many, the trials of life are many, the temptations of life are more; O life, life, life here below, thou art, after all, little better than a lingering death! Can you heartily say that you can never rest satisfied till you. In heaven's logic it is true, "if children, then heirs.". Remember thou art now a debtor to God in a legal sense, as thou art in Adam, thou art no longer a debtor to God's justice as thou once wast. Listen to the divine apostle John, where in one of his epistles he is carried away in rhapsody of devout admiration, "Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God." 9. IV. He that sanctifieth and they that are sanctified are all of one; for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren. The plain, simple spirit of the humble-minded Christian cries, "I am God's child." The world will, before long, understand what you mean by saying that Christ has made atonement for your sin; and, perhaps, here and there, a few of those who ridiculed you will be inclined to know more about this matter, and in private may come and ask you how the death of Christ has saved your soul. Thou hast confessed that thou hast at times wished there were no God; now, suppose a man wished another dead, would not that show that he hated him? Hast thou never said that, my heart? If you like to call it so, you may; but I would rather that you made the mistake of the good old Christian woman who did not know much about these things, and who said that she herself was "a high Calvarist." You were saying of such-and-such an ungodly person, "Everything seems to go well with him, but as for me, all the day long am I plagued, and chastened every morning." He who hung on high Calvary was such a lover of the souls of men that from that glorious fact I am brought to this blessed persuasion, "I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. It begins with the word "for." Believe then that all things work together for thy good; if thou lovest God, and art called according to his purpose. Veteran! Lecture 1: A Chat about Commentaries. Not only does faith believe it, but our own history convinces us of the truth of it." Simply because the call of God comes to unworthy sinners. "Now," says Paul, "yea rather, he is risen from the dead." I owe nothing to the past, I owe nothing to the future, I owe nothing to the rich, and nothing to the poor, compared with what I owe to my God. But rather, lest there should be a shadow of a doubt, that thou canst not be condemned, thy debts are cancelled. Hearken ye to this passage in the 9th of Romans! I always find when I have to deal with these "fat things full of marrow," that words fail us; and perhaps it is well, for then the excellency of the power is proved to be not by words of man but in the weight, and fullness, and richness of gospel matter. And, believer, there is no fear that Christ shall be the possessor of nothing or heir of little things. You can make your wooden cross into an iron one, if you choose, by being of a fretful disposition. 3. Note yet a little further concerning the special privilege of heirship, we are joint heirs with Christ. I showed you that the difficulty is that we know not what we should pray for "as we ought," and the Spirit meets that difficulty by making intercession for us in a right manner. At this time our subjects for consideration shall be, firstly, the help which the Holy Spirit gives; secondly, the prayers which he inspires; and thirdly, the success which such prayers ore certain to obtain. Oh, if you, my dear hearers, knew the joy and peace that would come to you if you but trusted in the doctrine of substitution, you would not rest until you were able to say, "Christ was in my place, that I might stand in his place: my sins were laid on him, that his righteousness might be girded on me." Fain would I picture the apostle as he appeared when he was uttering it. And therefore the surety first groped through death to fight his way up to the eternal throne, and then mounting aloft by a glorious ascension, dragged his conquered foes behind him, and scattering mercies with both his hands, like Roman conquerors who scattered gold and silver coins in their triumph, entered heaven. Enemies in the children's house? There is but one that can claim the heir's rights, and the heir's title. "Who is he that condemneth? That leads me to pass on to the second thing of which Paul was persuaded. The words of the Scriptures are words of infinite wisdom, and if reason cannot see the ground of a statement of revelation, it is bound, most reverently, to believe it, since we are well assured, even should it be above our reason, that it cannot be contrary thereunto. It is a wonderful thing. My cause is quite safe in his hands, especially when I remember again that he pleads with my father, and that he is his own Father's beloved Son, and that he is my brother and such a brother a brother born for adversity. If so, methinks your heart is not in a right state. When the poor man was baffled by a question asked in court, he would run home and ask his adviser, and he would tell him exactly how to meet the objector. And yet it is within reach of every truly penitent sinner. We have around us appliances for doing good, such as men never possessed before; we behold around us machinery for doing evil, such as never was at work even in earth's worst days. Believing supplications are forecasts of the future, He who prayeth in faith is like the seer of old, he sees that which is to be: his holy expectancy, like a telescope, brings distant objects near to him. Our Lord Jesus Christ will say, in the judgment, concerning certain persons, "I never knew you," yet in a sense he knew them, for he knows every man; he knows the wicked as well as the righteous; but there the meaning is, "I never knew you in such a respect as to feel any complacency in you or any favor towards you." What the wealthiest man has is not his own, but God's, and if it be God's then it is Christ's, and if Christ's, then his children's; and Christ's children are often those who are hungry, and thirsty, and destitute, and afflicted, and tormented. No! As much as to say, it is a powerful argument for our salvation, that Christ died; but it is a still more cogent proof that every believer shall be saved, that Christ rose again from the dead. Now, I consider these things as being a very mean display of wisdom, compared with what is to come in a hundred years, and very small compared with what might have been, if man's intellect had continued in its pristine condition. A CHRISTIAN BROTHER was asked, one day, "To what persuasion do you belong?" He says, "I fear not that assize, for who can condemn?" He loved me to the death; and albeit that he foresaw and foreknew that I should reject him, yet he would not take "No" for answer from me; but he resolved that his true grace should conquer me truly, and make me willing in the day of his power. Why, dying is the end of work; it is living that is hard work. You could not doubt the affliction, for you smarted under it, but you might almost as soon have doubted the divine help, for your confidence was firm and unmoved. a. Not we shall have, but we have. "We know it. If we could say this morning, that all the stars belong to us; if we could turn the telescope to the most remote of the fixed stars, and then could say with the pride of possession, so natural to man, "That star, a thousand times bigger than the sun, is mine. May he who comes from Jesus lead you to Jesus. satanic enormity! "If ye be without chastisement whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards and not sons. I do see ground for hope when Christ is bound, for he is bound for me; I do see reason for rejoicing when he dies, for he dies for me, and in my room and stead; I do see a theme for solid satisfaction in his burial, for he is buried for me; but when he comes out of the grave, having swallowed up death in victory, my hope bursts into joyous song. First, in 8:37 he says that "we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us.". Not only be quiet, but be glad. YOU WILL HAVE NOTICED that in this chapter, Paul has been expounding a very deep inward, spiritual experience. I. Ah! And I think I may stand firmly while I argue here, that if a Roman, a worshipper of Jupiter or Saturn, became great or glorious, a Son of God ought to be nobler far. We are all of us under obligations; let us consider the fact in the following manner: First, how are we to understand this? You may go down, down, down, till you seem to have got beyond the reach of help from mortal man; but there are cords and bands which bind you to Christ that even these depths can never break, come what may. The promises are yea and amen to thee, but only in Christ Jesus, in whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh at things after the counsel of his own will. Well, but God hath another Son, one who is the first-born of every creature. This is our witnessing that we are born of God. Did not Jesus say, "Your heavenly Father knoweth that you have need of these things before you ask them"? This is readily granted, but a reader must wear very powerful magnifying spectacles before he will be able to discover that sense in the text. Christ's property extends to all, and we are co-heirs. Yea, I am certain that we do not. Adam's death was not simply his own private loss, for in Adam all died, and Christ's life and all the consequences of his obedience are not merely his own, but the joint riches of all who are in him, of whom he is the federal head, and on whose behalf he accomplished the divine will. Yes, he quickens sinners into spiritual life, and he strives with them to overcome their sinfulness and turn them into the right way; but in the saints he works with us and enables us to pray after his mind and according to the will of God. What need we have to go to Christ for the blessing of the Holy Ghost, which is peculiar to the children of God, and can only be ours by faith in Christ Jesus! He walks streets of gold, but those streets belong to his enemy. "It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again." This is one of his frequent operations upon the mind of the believer: "he shall teach you all things." First, then, for ILLUSTRATION. Good men are labouring, at least with usual zeal, and bad men are strenuously plying their craft of evil. Are you among the number? YOU WILL DIEYOU WILL LIVE. But I feel a darkness coming down over my spirit, and in the darkness there is a fiendish voice that says, "But you have committed unknown sins, sins that nobody else knows, and there have been sins which you yourself did not know. He had been a drunkard, a spendthrift, and had not a penny to bless himself with, and his house had become a little hell; he was groaning at the thought of going home to such a scene of quarrelling and distress. He shall joy in their joy, and be glad in their gladness. What is that? When you get upstairs into your chamber this evening to pray, and find you cannot pray, but have to moan out, "Lord, I am too full of anguish and too perplexed to pray, hear thou the voice of my roaring," though you reach to nothing else you will be really praying. So it must be, "If so be that we suffer with him that we also may be glorified together." Merchant; though you have been sore pressed this week, and it is highly probable that next week will be worse still for you, believe that all things even then are working for your good. his Allmightiness is ours. Christian men, do you feel this with regard to your sins. And, once more, we are persuaded of the love of God to all who are in Christ. The suggestion has, no doubt, been made by others; but I venture to press it upon Christians of all denominations that they may, in turn, urge all their pastors to summon such meetings. At present I am at enmity with God. thou shall rest for ever and ever. "Thou madest him to have dominion over all the works of thy hands: thou hast put all things under his feet, all sheep and oxen, yea, and the fowl of the air and the fish of the sea, and whatsoever passeth through the paths of the sea." Romans 8:2. And let the idle and slothful remember that they are a great anomaly; they are blots in the great work-writing of God; they mean nothing; in all the book of letters with which God has written out the great word "work," they are nothing at all. So they are, but he that is with you is mightier far. I. If he could, if there were yet a chance of risk, Christ would not be sitting down; if the work were not so fully done, that every redeemed one should at last be received into heaven, he would never rest, nor hold his peace. The whole creation is fair and beautiful even in its present condition. Suppose you have been enabled to believe in Jesus Christ for your salvation; that faith has produced love to Christ; that love to Christ has led you to work for Christ; you come to the Bible, and you find that this was just the very thing which was felt by early believers; and then you say, "Good Lord, I am thy son, because what I feel is what thou has said by the lips of thy servant must be felt by those who are thy children." Let me imagine a man entering heaven without a change of heart. Why is this? I thought that had I to intercede for anybody, and do a mediating part, if I had to intercede for my brother with my father, I should feel I had got a safe case in hand. "Therefore, brethren, we are debtors." Overleap the boundaries of Christ's possession if you can, and then dream of ending a limit to the possessions of the elect of God. Now let me ask my congregation, do any of you know that you are God's children? Christ himself, the great and mighty God is the "Interpreter, one among a thousand", able to stand between me and God. He supplys our wants; he keeps the breath within our nostrils; he bids the blood still pursue its course through the veins; he holdeth us in life, and preventeth us from death; he standeth before us, our creator, our king, our sustainer, our benefactor, and I ask, is it not a sin of enormous magnitude is it not high treason against the emperor of heaven is it not an awful sin, the depth of which we cannot fathom with the line of all our judgment that we, his creatures, dependent upon him, should be at enmity with God? Is that the reason? 11. Suffering is the college of orthodoxy. It appears from the text that this groaning is universal among the saints: there are no exceptions; to a greater or less extent we all feel it. You must enter your suit against the Head if you would attack the members, for verily the action at law which can be pleaded against the member of the body must be pleaded against the Head itself, for no court can allow a distinction between the body and the head in an notion at law. "Yet," said the Judge, "I will not come down to earth to receive the payment; bring it to me." Moreover, Christ wrought miracles of mercy towards men, which proved him to be the Son of God. Nay, he himself is ours. We can work spiritual miracles. Take care that you pay your debts before you spend money upon your pleasures. You have felt as sure about the promise as you felt about the trial. Now these longings these pantings for something more than this world can give you were but the evidences of a child-like spirit, which was panting after its Father's presence. We must not pry into it, but we know that he was verily of the nature of God. That is in opposition to their apparent confliction. The world is a great machine, but it is never standing still: silently all through the watches of the night, and through the hours of day, the earth revolveth on its axis, and works out its predestinated course. Alas! It may be read, "Nor anything in creation, nor anything that ever is to be created," nothing shall ever separate us-from the love of Christ. Well, about that, I have this to say, "It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us." Oh! Blessed be his name. It is an unqualified statement, including every individual. When we know the matter of prayer, we yet fail to pray in a right manner. "I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance." May you be holy, harmless, sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation. Speak we of his omniscience? That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises. and he casts his eyes to heaven. An enemy may possibly make himself a friend; but enmity cannot. Beloved, if you would be saved, you must be persuaded of this truth; and when you are persuaded of it, you will know the joy of it. Romans 8:28-30 I. I cannot be punished for my sin. He means that, if we were tempted by the love of life to deny Christ' we should be strengthened so that we should not deny him even to save our lives, for his people have been brave enough in this respect in all times. 12:1-21. And, then O ye people of God, let this last thought abide with you, what condescension is this that Divine Person should dwell in you for ever, and that he should be with you to help your prayers. What then is to be said to this, "These are not the children of God." There are other things for which we are allowed to ask, but we scarcely know whether, if we had them, they would really serve our turn, and we also feel a diffidence as to praying for them. Oh! Delivered on Lord's Day Morning, March 24th, 1872, by. it is a glorious truth. By the grace of God, the apostle stands defiantly in the midst of all the believer's foes, and flings down the gauntlet before them all. Thou in the midst of thy sickness and infirmity art girt about with robes of glory, which make the spirits in heaven look down upon the earth with awe. I believe that the apostle was persuaded that these two blessed links existed between him and the great God, and he was persuaded that neither of those two links would ever be broken. Here we must bow our heads. That shows that this is used as an argument drawn from something mentioned before. The charioteers of the Roman circus might with much cleverness and art, with glowing wheels, avoid each other; but God, with skill infinitely consummate, guides the fiery coursers of man's passion, yokes the storm, bits the tempest, and keeping each clear of the other from seeming evil still enduceth good, and better still; and better still in infinite progression. Why the Lord may use any words. Splendid must be the inheritance of Jesus Christ. For memory graspeth with an iron hand ill things, but the good she holdeth with feeble fingers. Amen. If you follow after Christ, and find eternal life, when they hear of it, they will sneer at you, and bring up all your past life against you. In the East the firstborn is the lord and king of the household. Let me suppose an impossible case for a moment. The Boston audience received the prayer, and there it ended. Browse all categories; New Books; Used Books Brethren, faith can do wonders. The whole of man is defaced. I tell thee, thou poor brother in Christ, there is a dignity about thee that even angels may well envy. It was the gospel which taught Paul how to say brother. If it is robbing man to spend the money in pleasure wherewith we ought to pay our debts; it is robbing God if we employ our time, our talents, or our money, in anything but his service, until we feel we have done our share in that service. 14. As we were conceived in sin at the first, and shapen in iniquity, even so in regeneration our new man is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created us. "Who is he that condemneth? In Philippians 3:13-14 you find these words. Learn, then, that it is wrong to ask, concerning any particular act of providence; is this for my good? If one says, "I was christened, and confirmed," answer him by saying, "Christ has died." What if God, willing to show his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much long-suffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction: And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory. I feel that to the knee that dandled me and the breast that gave me sustenance, I owe more than I can ever pay; and to him who taught me, and led me in the paths of truth I owe so much, that I dare not speak of the tremendous weight of obligation due to him. Condemn a man that is at the right hand of God! "Brethren, ye have been called into liberty." He declares it to be enmity against God. God the ever blessed is one, and there can be no division between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Do I suffer with him, suffer for him? First, he boldly defies anyone to charge the chosen of God with sin: "Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's elect?" I was feeling very heavy, I scarcely knew why, when I caught at this text; and it seemed to come in so pleasantly for me when my spirits were down. For which of these works do ye hate God? "In all their afflictions he was afflicted, and the angel of his presence saved them." There is no terror to him like the terror of the cross. So it may by possibility be this morning; so it will be if the Spirit of God shall be our instructor, and fulfil his gracious promise to "lead us into all truth.". for thy Master's honor, and for thine own comfort, retain that consolation. Brethren, we are debtors to the past. We may look, then, at this third clause, as having a "much more" before it, comparing Scripture with Scripture. Oh, speak! So saith the word, my brother, and so shalt thou find it ere long. Those things may be desirable, but they are not the ultimatum of the saints. "As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up; that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life." I pray you take the possession now. Up with your shield, and say, "Yes, it is all true, or it might have been, for my heart is so evil that it would have led me to any sin; but 'It is Christ that died.'" There was no kinship between the Lord Jesus and angels, for to which of the angels had the Father said at any time, "Thou art my Son?" Now, why did you come here till you had paid your debt? Now, in considering this solemn subject, let me remark that there are two kinds of callings mentioned in the Word of God. It resets the dislocated bones of society, rivets the bonds of friendship, and welds the broken metal of manhood into one united mass. Here is the full receipt; the resurrection hath rent the bond in twain. You know the contrast in the speech between different persons concerning this doctrine. It is true, that by birth we are at enmity with God. On the cross I see Jesus dying for my sins as an expiating sacrifice; but in the resurrection I see God acknowledging the death of Christ, and accepting what he has done for my indisputable justification. Our prayers, let men laugh at them as they will, and say there is no power in them, are the indicators of the movement of the wheels of Providence. We have this. When the herald of Francis the First took up the gage of battle, he would not be outdone in the list of honours, so he said, "I take up the challenge in the name of Francis the First, King of France; Francis the First, King of France; Francis the First, King of France; Francis the First, King of France; Francis the First, King of France." Only give man something that shall well nigh intoxicate him; drug him with opium; and how will his imagination dance with joy! God's great love for us is supremely demonstrated in Christ Jesus our Lord, who gave Himself for us on the cross. All God's children are heirs, however numerous the family, and he that shall be born of God last, shall be as much his heir as he who was born first. The Lord bless you! We are joint heirs. There are different senses to the word "good." Mark that Paul does not say that all this could ever happen; but that, if it could, the person concerned would be like apiece of ground which brought forth nothing but thorns and briers. why needeth the Christian to have such firm, such massive foundations? The comforting truth of Romans 8:28 is based especially on God's sovereignty. Here is A CHALLENGE TO ALL COMERS. He has come on purpose to put away our sin, and when he died, he made an end of it. There is much to sadden us in a view of the ruins of our race. To all that be in Rome, beloved of God, called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ. We are to be like him then in nature, in relation, in experience. Our rights are joint rights, and most be either jointly acknowledged or jointly denied. Has the Spirit operated in my heart in a manner to which flesh and blood never can attain? Down thou shalt come, sinner, if God cries down; there is no standing when he would have thee fall. Man as a necessary piece of political policy, may give to the heir that which surely he can have not more real right to in the sight of God, than the rest of the family may give him all the inheritance, while his brethren, equally true born, may go without; but it is not so in the family of God. It ere long thou lovest God, and when he would have thee.. Am certain that we are persuaded of the humble-minded Christian cries, `` to what do! To all, and so shalt thou find it ere long one says, `` these are the. 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