tennis ball bounce on different surfaces experimentfailed to join could not find session astroneer windows 10

How can you measure the height a ball bounces? The ball feels softer on the hand, but much harder on impact, resulting in a very different type of tennis. it goes back into the ball, giving it more force to pop back up into the air. This would provide evidence on how the height from which the ball is dropped from affects the height to which it bounces without air resistance. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Repeat step 5 with all of your other surfaces. As the ball hits the floor with less KE than it would have done if it had been dropped in a vacuum it follows that less energy is converted into elastic potential energy and back into KE again. Bouncing Ball Investigation This is an experiment to investigate bouncing balls and how they behave in different situations. Although catching small balls was an issue, we solved it by getting our better If you like this project, you might enjoy exploring these related careers: You can find this page online at: The tennis balls bounce in different ways. Hypothesis: if different balls are bounced on different surfaces, then a rubber ball By using a simple tennis ball and a thermometer, kids can measure the temperature of the ball and see how it changes as the game goes on. When the air inside the ball expands, it pushes against the rubber and causes the ball to bounce. Now work out the average of the tennis ball rebound height by adding all of the measurements for the tennis ball rebound height up and then dividing the . . Write the pressure in the data table: Have your volunteer get the video camera ready. Once the ball hits the ground, its displacement is momentarily zero. Do you have specific questions about your science project? Copyright 2002-2023 Science Buddies. 30% of the energy that the ball hits the floor wit is lost. For instance, you can use old balls for the second round of the experiment compared to new balls. Fully pump up the basketball and check the pressure with the pressure gauge. The temperature of a tennis ball can affect its bounce height. (Image by Harold E. "Doc" Edgerton),,, Playing the Angles: The Physics of Balls Bouncing Off of Surfaces. however, by bringing a ladder or stool to catch the balls perfectly on time. With heavy topspin on high-friction surfaces, the horizontal velocity of the ball is attenuated greatly after the ball strikes the court, and the ball jumps into the air in ways that seem unnatural to players accustomed to playing only on hardtop. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Ball trial 1 trail 2 trial 3 average Therefore, This is because as the ball goes faster it passes through a greater volume of air each second. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Make a line graph of your data. The higher h1, the faster the velocity that the ball reaches. Why does Rafael Nadal do so well on the clay? The bounce of a cold superball is shorter than that of a warm superball. would bounce the highest on a hard, smooth concrete surface because a rubber ball For any other use, please contact Science Buddies. These two results were excluded when averages were being calculated and therefore the average variation between results used for calculating the average was even less than 3cm. The more energy absorbed by the surface, the less that remains in the ball for it to bounce. The temperature of a hollow ball influences the amount of air in the chamber. However, even if its bitterly cold outside, indoor balls are a good choice. stay constant, results in an increase in m g h, stay constant, results in a decrease in m g h, The surface onto which the ball is dropped will affect the height to which the ball bounces because for any two objects that collide, the properties of both determine the percentage of the kinetic energy either possesses approaching the collision that is conserved subsequent to the collision taking place (Coefficient to restitution) discounting the effects of air resistance. Above this point the height all balls will bounce to will not be directly proportional to the height they are dropped from, but the increase in the height they bounce to will increase more slowly in proportion to the height they are dropped from compared to the increase between lower heights before the ball shows signs of approaching its terminal velocity before it hits the ground. When the ball deforms, its molecules are stretched apart in some places and squeezed together in others. Kinetic energy and ball shape. highest on hard, smooth surfaces. Its a great way to get some exercise while also getting some quality time with friends. Balls are not round. Results are presented for a tennis ball, a . Tennis balls can be stored at temperatures lower than optimal in order to extend their life. In a tennis ball bounce on different surfaces experiment, a tennis ball is dropped on a variety of different surfaces to see how high it bounces. This is why you should have seen that when you bounced the basketball on a relatively hard surface it bounced higher (it lost less energy) compared with when it was bounced on a softer surface . Also the mass of the ball affects the chances of the ball reaching its terminal velocity. To a wider range of results i.e. This is called the relative speed. Data from the most recent bounces per temperature or the third trial is used to create the graph. You can even play tennis outside in any weather. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Tennis balls bounce differently in the high altitude and at sea. Each of the following experiments tests a different hypothesis. A similar length stick, marked in 5-10cm bands of colour. The pressure of the gas is a major factor influencing the bounce of a tennis ball. = The distance between the bottom of the ball at the top of its arc after bouncing and the ground. The energy chain is as follows: Therefore as energy cannot be created or destroyed the energy the ball starts with must be directly proportional to the energy the ball finishes with, at the top of its bounce, and so if the ball starts with more energy it must therefore finish with more. Low-power hitters have a more difficult time bouncing the ball on clay courts, whereas high-power hitters have a better chance of bouncing the ball on hard courts due to the higher bounce. For the higher heights the distance from h, was almost a meter which meant it was difficult to get eye level from h, to accurately in a short amount of time. Tennis balls tend to bounce more horizontally on grass than on a harder surface. The higher the ball goes, the more GPE it ends up with. This is longer than the 5-8 ms ball bounce from a solid surface or racquet. . I will drop the ball 3 . Manipulated Variable: different surfaces on which the tennis ball is bounced (This is the only thing you can change.) Although we had all these challenges, The balls were dropped from 100 inches onto the granite surface and bounced between 52.93 and 58.43 inches. This experiment requires a ball that will bounce and a meter stick or other measuring device. Belowis the graph of h1against h2. The height of the ball at each bounce is then calculated. Bending Plant Roots with Gravity Lesson Plan Introduction. When the ball was dropped from the higher heights the ball began to show signs of reaching its terminal velocity before it reaches the ground. Find an outdoor wall where you can hang up your background, set up a ladder, and film your experiment. Why Tennis Balls Bounce. in the execution of our experiment. Therefore, harder surfaces will ultimately bounce a ball higher. Concrete will help bounce a ball the highest as it's hard and, My partner and Is experiment which surface bounces a ball the highest?, consisted of us randomly selecting different balls along with different surfaces. and tries to catch the balls on time. As they are pushed about, the molecules in the ball collide with and rub across each other." If the coefficient to restitution = 0.7, a ball dropping from h, in a vacuum would reach the height of 0.7 h, As velocity increases air resistance increases in proportion to the square of the velocity. This also proves the accuracy of the experiment. During the preliminary experiment it was established that time was not an important factor that had to be taken into account when deciding how many different heights to drop the ball from and the interval between those heights. Measuring tape 3. Hard court tennis demands a lot from your joints! When the temperature is below 68 degrees, the ball will bounce less. The exact interval will be determined after the preliminary experiment, as will the number of heights that the ball will be dropped from. Most experiments investigate the effect of an independent variable on a dependent variable. Then when dropping the ball again eye level will be kept level with the blue tack thus avoiding parallax errors. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. h2= The distance between the bottom of the ball at the top of its arc after bouncing and the ground. The only difference between the balls is that the ball dropped from a higher height gives out more thermal energy. This would mean that one could re-examine the height to which it bounced to and find it exactly instead of having to make a split second judgement which is not half as accurate. This experiment would provide me with more results that are relevant to the experiment that I have already conducted. Two different types of balls, Penn Championship and Non-Championship will be compared. When the temperature rises, the gas molecules within tennis balls expand and move in strange directions. . rubber ball would bounce the highest on concrete. I do not believe that any ball will reach terminal velocity in this experiment seeing as the maximum height that they can be dropped from is 2m and, as the ball is quite smooth, I do not believe that it will have enough time to accelerate to its terminal velocity before it hits the floor. were able to construct a successful experiment. These both support my prediction and show that my prediction was correct. But what makes a ball bounce? The more energy that the ball possessed before being dropped, the more energy was converted into KE while the ball fell. The ball has reached its terminal velocity and cannot fall any faster (unless dropped in a vacuum). 1 tennis ball 1 golf ball. As the temperature rises, the gas molecules in the tennis ball expand. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Responding Variable: The height of the bounce in centimeters (these are the results that you will count) Steps: Have your partner hold the meter stick upright on the first surface. The different types of tennis court surfaces are hard, clay, carpet, and grass. Use the pencil and ruler to connect the incoming and outgoing trajectories of the marble to the point where the marble bounced off the wood. I also, found that different surfaces absorb different amounts of energy, and the less. - tennis ball x Therefore the energy that the ball hits the floor with = mh, The proportion of energy lost when ball hits the floor = The Coefficient to the restitution of the two objects (C, All of the energy that the ball leaves the floor with is converted back into GPE, If dropping a ball in a vacuum all you need to know in order to know how high the ball will bounce to is h, can be found out by looking at a graph, the gradient, as a percentage of 1 gives the amount of energy conserved and therefore C. The clamp stand will be clamped down to the desk using a g-clamp to prevent it falling over and causing possible injuries. Tennis balls were originally invented for the sport of tennis, but they make a great test subject for physics experiments. troubles my partner and I had during our experiment along with the problems we Balls lose up to a gram even after minimal use (if 30 bounces and throws by a ball machine count as minimal). Length of Lesson: 30 - 45 minutes. Overview: In this lesson, students conduct a series of experiments with different balls to observe which bounce the highest and to see how they could make balls bounce higher. For the lower heights the flight time of the ball was extremely short and again it was difficult to move ones head over the distance from h1 to h2 in order to obtain accurate results. The impact duration was between 65 and 71 ms. Changes in the area of linoleum floor tile that the ball collided with may have affected the height to which it bounced to thus producing variation between results. First, you will need to draw the background for your experiment, which will act as a large ruler for measuring your bounces on video. Therefore the results are valid. Warm up the ball before it is used to increase its bounce. As CR = h2/ h1it follows the gradient of the graph change in h2/ change in h1= CR. One of the hunks of information we found was, it goes back into the ball, giving it more force to pop back up into the air. Focus. The energy goes into deforming the ball-- from its original round shape to a squashed shape. This occurs due to a lower air pressure at higher altitudes, which exerts less force on the ball. The air trapped in the ball is forced into the ground when it hits the ground. Therefore any change to the weight of the ball will affect the energy the ball has initially, which, as previously stated, affects the height to which the ball bounces. A hard surface, such as concrete, absorbs less energy compared with a soft surface, such as a carpeted floor. During the research fraction of the experiment, it was The more particles per cubic meter, the more drag acting upon the ball. A tennis ball temperature science experiment can be a great way for kids to learn about the science behind the game of tennis. If you dont properly store your balls, youll have to replace them more frequently. In air considerations have to be taken into account such as air resistance but even so the rough height to which it will bounce to can be predicted before dropping the ball. Try the experiment again, but this time change how high the ball is dropped instead of the air pressure of the ball. Students should consider the factors listed below in order to determine which type of bouncing ball is best suited for the task. Such an impact compresses the ball 1.4-1.6 inches, or about 54-62% of its diameter. The balls bounced higher on the concrete Tennis players typically deal with the heat in one of two ways: cooling down before the match or taking a quick dip before the match. When the molecules are colder, they move more slowly and the ball doesnt expand as much. All of the factors that could have affected the results that were uncontrollable could have produced variations between results. Aim: to find out which surface bounces a ball the highest. If you want to make the ball bounce higher, you can try heating it up before you play. This is because the ball starts with more GPE. Why Does One Tennis Shoe Pull Your Sock Down? The equipment necessary to generate these conditions was not available and as a result the results obtained were not one hundred percent accurate. The Tennis ball experiment - Home The Tennis ball experiment How Do Different Surfaces Effect The Bounce Of A Tennis Ball? It should be on a smooth cement surface for optimal ball bouncing. A tennis ball is made of rubber and is covered with felt. Anyone, regardless of age or ability, can take part in tennis on a court with a ball. Drag is a squared function of velocity and therefore as the ball drops drag increases a greater amount each second. EQUIPMENT: 1 metre ruler 1 table tennis ball. Here is another activity that tests temperature and bounce using golf balls and baseballs: There are many other great ball projects in this fun book: ball pressure gauge (available at a sporting goods store). The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". You can stay in the game and avoid burning up by playing in the evenings or on a court with lighting. Based on the density and temperature of the tennis ball, scientists have discovered how it bounces. old and new tennis balls (different surface textures/ages). The colder the temperature, the less likely it is that the ball will bounce. half the results (concrete), we were incorrect about the basketball. The difference between the predicted height and the actual height will provide evidence as to how air resistance affects the flight of the ball. This did not happen in my experiment however. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Some balls to try are: soccer, basketball, volleyball, golf, tennis, or handball. The tennis balls bounce in different ways. The drop weight then bounces off the ball with 68-77 percent of its incident speed (46-59% of its incident energy). All rights reserved. Air pressure will affect the balls fall slightly as the concentration of air particles per cubic meter varies with air pressure. Height the ball bounced to (average of middle three) when dropped from: 10cm = 6.7 6.7 = 66% of 10 (to the nearest percent), 20cm = 14.0 14.0 = 70% of 20 (to the nearest percent), 30cm = 22.3 22.3 = 74% of 30 (to the nearest percent). It shows that heights were recorded that exceeded the height that the ball would have reached had it been dropped in a vacuum. Most people believed that concrete would have the most bounces, and mud the least. Leave the tennis balls in place for at least one to three hours, if possible. One way to measure the amount of air that is in a ball is with an air pressure gauge. For any other use, please contact Science Buddies. If the coefficient to restitution = 0.7, a ball dropping from h1in a vacuum would reach the height of 0.7 h1 after bouncing. A decrease in h1, assuming g and m stay constant, results in a decrease in m g h1which results in a decrease in GPE. If you leave your tennis balls in your car, especially in the spring and summer, you are putting your health at risk. If the drag is less the ball will fall faster and is less likely to reach its terminal velocity. Does it slope up or down? The surface onto which the ball is dropped will affect the height to which the ball bounces because for any two objects that collide, the properties of both determine the percentage of the kinetic energy either possesses approaching the collision that is conserved subsequent to the collision taking place (Coefficient to restitution) discounting the effects of air resistance. You may print and distribute up to 200 copies of this document annually, at no charge, for personal and classroom educational use. The Physics of Grass, Clay, and Cement. For the most part, the document is a case study in compulsive precision. As a result, they move at a slower rate of speed with less energy. As the ball is released, gravity pulls it downwards and transforms it into motion. Choosing The Right Shoes For Paddle Tennis, How To Decide If Tennis Shoes Are Appropriate For A Rooftop Event. Make a line at the top to indicate where you will drop the ball from, so that it will be the same for each test. A cold tennis ball bounces lower than a warm one. The balls dropped from 75 centimeters will bounce higher than those dropped from 50 centimeters, and the balls in the 50 centimeter trials will bounce higher than those in the 25 centimeter trials. Different factors affect a ball's efficiency, temperature, surface area and surface material are just a few. Hypothesis. It should be tall enough to hang up behind your ladder, about 5feet tall. Tiles3. Abstract and Figures. Concrete will help bounce a ball the highest as it's hard and As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.Privacy Policy | Affiliate Disclosure. Obviously, a ball won't bounce as high on carpet. Trying to figure out different things about any item, in my case bouncing balls and observing their heights. Please wait while we set up your subscription TurnItIn the anti-plagiarism experts are also used by: King's College London, Newcastle University, University of Bristol, University of Cambridge, WJEC, AQA, OCR and Edexcel, Business, Companies and Organisation, Activity, Height and Weight of Pupils and other Mayfield High School investigations, Lawrence Ferlinghetti: Two Scavengers in a Truck, Two Beautiful People in a Mercedes, Moniza Alvi: Presents from my Aunts in Pakistan, Changing Materials - The Earth and its Atmosphere, Fine Art, Design Studies, Art History, Crafts, European Languages, Literature and related subjects, Linguistics, Classics and related subjects, Structures, Objectives & External Influences, Global Interdependence & Economic Transition, Acquiring, Developing & Performance Skill, Sociological Differentiation & Stratification. from the ball, therefore causing it to bounce higher than it normally would on dirt - Rubber ball x As the ball is accelerating due to gravity, at 9.81m/s2it is constantly getting faster and therefore the drag force gets bigger and bigger. Keep a close eye on the ball, and instruct Phlebas to do the same. The experiment was conducted as the method (below) states. After each drop, talk to Phlebas and come to a decision about how high it bounced on your measuring implement. The children were oblivious to these . Keep releasing pressure and repeating the experiment until the ball no longer bounces. In competitive tennis, sweat loss can quickly exceed the normal body temperature, causing electrolyte and body water deficits, as well as thermal stress that can significantly alter a players physiology, perception of effort, and ability to perform well on court. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. When contact is made with the ground, the molecules in the tennis ball stretch apart and the shape of the ball changes to more of an oval shape. Introduction: A decrease in bounce is caused by a colder temperature. h1 = The distance between the bottom of the ball before it is dropped and the ground. concur, which was catching the small balls. - Pencil x In modern tennis, the differences and subtleties of each surface tend to disappear. The trip is going to be thoroughly enjoyable. Write each measurement in the data table. An increase in m, assuming g and h1stay constant, results in an increase in m g h1 which results in an increase in GPE. There are many other great ball projects in this fun book by Madeline P. Goodstein. It was difficult to get down to the exact level of the blue tack seeing as it meant lowering your entire upper body in the short amount of time taken for the ball to hit the floor and rebound again to get your eye level from h, (where the blue tack was stuck, approximately). order to give a fair experiment. As energy cannot be created or destroyed it follows that the energy must have come from the energy that the ball possesses. Tennis balls are more likely to bounce on grass. energy a surface absorbs, the more of it will remain for a ball to bounce. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. C. The tennis ball is made for more of a bounce when it is used for the game tennis. However when the ball is dropped from a relatively low height, drag 0. What do you think this means about your results? Science Buddies Staff. If the KE is the same as they hit the ground the energy stored in the ball as elastic potential energy will be the same also. CR can be found out by looking at a graph, the gradient, as a percentage of 1 gives the amount of energy conserved and therefore CRcan be found without knowing v22or v12. Note whether the ball and surface showed more of an elastic or inelastic collision. Floor BoardsEach of the drops was performed 5 times to get an accurate Reading and Average.In this experiment this shown what types of surfaces absorb a lot of the dispersed energy and the surface and which ones do not do it as well.This was done on iMovie and took 2 Hours to Create.So Please Enjoy! Tennis, a game that has existed in the world for centuries, has been popular all over the world. In our This is impossible. The spin can help the ball to bounce higher or lower, depending on how it is hit. This applies to a ball falling in a vacuum. Hypothesis: if different balls are bounced on different surfaces, then a rubber ball would bounce the highest on a hard, smooth concrete surface because a rubber ball is well-inflated and made of rubber which would give it more kinetic energy and less air resistance. Click the "Experiment" button to find out! It will not bounce to high if it is heavy. faced. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Tennis balls are different at sea level and at high altitudes. If we You can also try using a hair dryer to heat the ball up. Watch the video of the dropping tennis ball. Harder balls have a higher recovery rate than softer ones, and clay-based balls have a higher recovery rate than rubber or synthetic balls. Answer (1 of 4): The height to which a ball bounces depends on several factors: 1) The height from which it is dropped, 2) Whether it was thrown down or just dropped and how hard it was thrown, 3) How much energy is lost in the ball during the collision with the floor 4) How much energy is lost . Increased energy and movement results in a bounce. Keep releasing pressure and repeating the experiment until the ball no longer bounces. There were some trends observed in our rubber ball 39 cm 38 cm 41 cm 39 cm. The higher the ball is, the more it will bounce when you warm it up in cold weather. It would also be fun to explore the effect of different surfaces on the bounce of the bouncy ball. The clover-leaf principle, which guided the production of tennis balls from the 1920s to the 1990s, was used to manufacture them. Also it will affect its bouncing properties. Each ball in a can is different in weight, diameter, and bounce. Five repeats were done as it was deemed that an average of the middle three was reasonably accurate. During the research fraction of the experiment, it was, discovered that there is a handful of information that would assist my partner and I, in the execution of our experiment. As there is more KE energy, more work would need to act upon the ball in order to stop it in the same distance. A tennis ball is a small, spherical object that is used in the sport of tennis. In this practical, students may use a variety of different balls to determine which type is most efficient. When the rubber ball hits the ground it gets compressed, or squished, and because it is very elastic, it quickly returns to its original shape. Different Surfaces Equal Different Bounce Balls get distorted when they bounce. This is why it. Since measured the heights. will start at 2m and then move down in intervals of 10cm to 10cm. A cold ball will bounce farther than a warm one. The tennis ball bounces higher because the relative speed when it bounces off the basketball is almost double that . The reason clay courts are more effective for low-power hitters is because the ball keeps bouncing higher and higher. The procedure allowed me to observe the affects of the height from which a table tennis ball was dropped from upon the height to which it bounced. = The distance between the bottom of the ball before it is dropped and the ground. It provided me with five repeats so that the maximum and minimum results could be discounted and a reliable average could be taken. The experiment is designed to measure the height of the ball at each bounce and to determine the amount of energy lost during the bouncing process. As the ball falls to the surface it has kinetic energy. Changes in air pressure could have affected results as could changes in temperature however changes in these two factors would have been small; air pressure would not have changed enough to affect the results in the hour period in which the experiment was conducted, and although the rooms temperature may have increased by a degree or two, due to body heat, over the course of the period temperature was not a major factor that affected the height to which the ball bounced and would not have significantly affected the results. Please contact science Buddies how high the ball hits the ground dropped, the gas is a study! 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tennis ball bounce on different surfaces experiment