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In the presence of others, we spoke only of positive or spiritual matters, in the deliberately modulated tones all the residents used. Rose, they explain, was not a disciple of Swami Rama, but had been invited by family members in the Institute's administration to come to Honesdale for medical treatment. Dr. Ballentine, the Institute's president and director of the Combined Therapy Program, explains that human beings have the potential to do "all kinds of things, like move our bodies at will from one place to another, or be aware of what people are thinking on the other side of the earth, or inner states of consciousness that take us to the future and the past." Things are moving quickly now in the sex scandal involving the three oldest sons of Steven Anderson of Tempe, Arizona's favorite SPLC hate group Faithful Word Baptist Church. There's no need for finding out, if I know it is completely wrong.". He also sent out a letter resigning from the board. Karen, the woman whose claims were ridiculed at the meeting where Swami Rama and the other directors responded to Brian's charges, was one of the first ex-members to confront top Institute administrators. "A lot of people have confused the siddhis-the powers to control body, emotions, and mind-with spirituality. Now Megan says that in a different atmosphere, she would have immediately recognized Swami Rama's behavior as sexual harassment or "sadistic manipulation." According to the stipulation he signed with the Board's Ethics Review Panel, Nuernberger admitted that he terminated a counseling relationship with "Victoria S." during the third session in order to enter into a "personal relationship - such relationship to include sexual contact.". Himalayan Institute Online Our new online platform for community, courses, and content. Quick Links. They wrote letters to Pandit Usharbudh Arya, their teacher and head of the Meditation Center there, as well as a dozen other people, warning that Swami Rama was a fraud. But during the next three weeks, she says, she saw the Swami mistreating his disciples, especially the women, on a daily basis-yelling at them, ridiculing them, ordering them around, and occasionally kicking a woman in the buttocks when she was on her hands and knees weeding. Later, many of the women broke out in head-to-toe swelling and rashes from what had in fact been poison ivy roots. It is a mistake to judge the external guru's worthiness by his behavior; instead, the student should look inside and determine whether that person is helping dispel the darkness of her ignorance. Carolyn says she knew that Swami Rama often promised his disciples he would take them to India or appoint them to important positions within the Institute-promises that rarely materialized. Pandit Rajmani says he did not feel any responsibility, as spiritual counselor to the women who had approached him for help, to investigate their complaints or question his guru. He is held accountable only to the higher spiritual laws, which he is uniquely able to comprehend. And she would help him write books. I just don't know that it makes sense to go run around trying to evaluate other people, when you haven't evaluated yourself.". In such a situation, she says, the whole system becomes sick and no one can see the light: "There's no truth allowed; it's a no-talk rule.". The Swami, she says, bragged to a crowd of disciples that the woman would do whatever he told her, then put his dog's collar and leash around her neck and walked her back and forth, while the others laughed. Carolyn was raised Catholic, and during high school she explored Transcendental Meditation, Zen Buddhism, Hinduism, and the "Jesus freak" movement. Who? India Himalayan Institute India Our program model in India has been designed to focus on three initiatives: providing educational programs for children to help them rise above poverty level, preserving ancient culture and wisdom, and providing support for villagers dealing with natural disasters. Humanitarian, Swami Rama, Teacher. Our members consist of a vibrant residential community of practitioners, karma yogis (service-driven seekers), and faculty-in-residence as well as a global community of seekers, committed to living their spiritual values. During this spiel, she says, he put his hand on her buttocks, but she told him she wasn't buying it. Swami Rama is held by his disciples to be a kind of god: He makes up the rules of the game, he can change them at will, and he cannot be judged by them. Many people, including the victims themselves, have trouble understanding how damaging such sexual contact can be, because the women are adults and no one is holding a gun to their heads. Sex with a guru is a form of spiritual incest. In May, Swami Rama visited the area again. Healthy lifestyle products to support your yoga and spiritual practice. "The person wanted something, and the other person did not agree to fulfill their desires," he says. I mean, he's giving you the teachings and you're going to use the teachings to evaluate him? Our humanitarian projects serve impoverished communities through rural empowerment and environmental regeneration. Check our website! Then, later on, when the right man came along, she would marry and be very happy. Both women and men say they blamed themselves and their own spiritual obtuseness when they repeatedly failed to discern and follow the shifting rules. Those statements are on file with the cult Awareness network (formerly the citizen's Freedom Foundation) in New York. A saint is a person who does what he says." Expert wellness consultations direct to your home. she wondered. In a few months time she would handle his bank account, income taxes, everything. The original creator of the neti pot, the Himalayan Institute has been offering traditional and modern products for health and spirituality since 1971. The Combined Therapy program and the outpatient branches of the Institute for Holistic Medicine combine Western medicine, homeopathy, Eastern medicine, psychotherapy, nutrition, yoga, and meditation to treat people with a variety of physical and emotional problems. At the same time, she says, he offered her money and told her he wanted to put her in his will. She opted to forego pursuing a Ph.D. in clinical psychology because the Institute's program allowed her to earn a degree in a related field while studying Eastern philosophy and meditation with Pandit Rajmani, who had initiated her in Chicago. Immerse yourself in a life-changing course of study and get certified in the authentic teachings of yoga and meditation. A world leader in the field of yoga, meditation, spirituality, and holistic health, the Himalayan Institute is a non-profit international organization dedicated to serving humanity through educational, spiritual, and humanitarian programs. Within a sect the guru's authority is often absolute: he rules from the pinnacle of the institutional hierarchy. Himalayan Institute Buffalo Yoga | Meditation | Wellness Yoga classes and seminars for March - April are now open for registration. The accumulated testimony of their personal experiences through the years exhibits a pattern typical of "sex in the forbidden zone," coupled with institutional mechanisms of defense and denial. Brian didn't believe his teacher, and he spoke with several other Institute administrators and board members about Rose's claim of abuse. He must see something special in me.'" If somehow Pandit Rajmani were forced to acknowledge that the women were telling the truth, would this shatter his faith in the guru? Only recently has she acknowledged her anger at Swami Rama. Meanwhile Janet,* a Honesdale woman who worked as the couple's babysitter and housekeeper at the time, says she received threatening phone calls at Brian and Terry's house, asking if she was alone with the children. She loved him like "a second father," she says, "and the real tragedy is that this is how our relationship ended. Join us for studies in the true meaning of yogaincluding asana, meditation, mantra, tantra, sacred scripture, and the art of joyful living. They resided in their own house in Honesdale, unencumbered by the strict rules of the residential program. In three months, Carolyn says, she gained 20 pounds. It was years more before she felt she had the right to be angry at her spiritual family, the staff and residents of the Institute who, she says, denied the signs of abuse all around them. After a bit, she was inclined to dismiss his behavior as a joke or a "test.". Pandit Rajmani cannot entertain the notion that the women's stories could be true. To my relief, I could detect no flash of recognition, guilt, fear, or anger in Carolyn's eyes. When she shared her news with the other residents at East West Books, they told her she should feel honored: She had been chosen, while long-time devotees had been denied the privilege. Our various programms address all aspects of a meditator's life because all of life has an effect on meditation. Discover our new online platform for community, courses, and content. She couldn't make sense out of his behavior, because she found it impossible to believe that it was really about sex-and she repeatedly told him so. Arya, however, says that much of Darling's information is inaccurate. Yet she is vulnerable to feeling re-victimized every time her experience is denied or distorted. She walked around New York City for hours, until it was time for her bus to return to Honesdale. "Even if I found out-how can I find out? Trained to meditate and educated in the scriptures from early childhood, he was able to translate and interpret any of the 20,000 verses from the Vedas by the age of 13, according to a biographical pamphlet put out by the Meditation Center. The daughter of an alcoholic, she longed for guidance from a spiritual authority figure. When she questioned him, Megan says, he became angry and dismissed the women's suffering, saying that a little poison ivy could be good for them. Experts and some inside the system say that in justifying its decision, UC perpetuated outdated claims about online learning. Carolyn says she told him no, it "just didn't feel right." The annual congress, held each June, offers a smorgasbord of lectures and "new age" workshops. In the mythology of the ashram, the guru is the all-powerful, all-knowing father and the disciples are his spiritual children. The jury awarded $275,000 in compensatory damages and $1.6 million in punitive damages to the woman. Now she says that those who have allowed the abuses to continue unchecked are responsible for destroying the Institute's integrity. He also has the integrity to admit that if they were true, it would be very terrible, and a violation of the teaching that says one should treat all women as daughters. But to accept a tuition-free second year, or even to leave the Institute quietly, Megan says, would have meant giving tacit approval to the continuing exploitation. "I thought: 'Maybe it's the only way he can break through some stubborn barrier in my ego. According to Marston's attorney, Philip W. Getts, his client never recovered the $50,000 in punitive damages Nuernberger owed her, because Pennsylvania is one of the few states that does not allow the court to garnish wages. Carolyn stayed at the Institute for three more years, working at a variety of jobs. The yogis, he says, have demonstrated these abilities in the past and continue to do so. Relax, restore, and nourish yourself with a wellness retreat. "We were Brahmins in the Institute's caste system," Terry recalls. Early the next morning, she says, he announced to her that she was going to leave; he never set up the promised program. Megan remembers asking him why he was trying all this on her. During a series of biofeedback experiments in 1970 and 1971, Drs. She was dreamy! February 27, 2023. The chapter on the Meditation Center in Patricia Darling's dissertation details the growth of the center and the subsequent disillusionment of many of Pandit Arya's students with his new guru. How could she be the only one who realized what was going on? Cameroon Himalayan Institute Cameroon Cameroon is in the midst of conflict. Who We Are; What We Do; Where We Work. Carolyn says the "goofy" letters never got answered. A short time later, Swami Rama let her go as his secretary-because, she says he told her, she didn't really want the job. God knows whether it was true or not, and even if it was true, this is a normal phenomenon. Host to HI Mission Programs, seminars as well as private events, we offer five fully equipped practice spaces and comfortable, modern guest amenities. When the manipulation started to involve her meditation and spiritual practices, she says, she decided to confide in one man who had been at the Institute for a long time and who was planning to leave. But one by one, Trescelli says, the women backed down and decided not to pursue legal action. She would start with handling the appointments and then she would make his plane reservations, scheduling lecture tours. From its beginnings 20 years ago, the Institute has expanded steadily to include some 25 branches and affiliated yoga and holistic health centers in the Midwest, the Northeast, Texas, California, and abroad. Following on the heels of Karen's and her friend's revelations, several other women and men left the Meditation Center in Minneapolis. Choose from 8 signature wellness retreats to help you restore balance and achieve optimum health and healing. She was feeling so disgusted with her body and afraid of the guru's humiliating comments that one night she couldn't face going to his room, she says. But still, she was afraid to leave the community she'd been part of for so long and reenter a world that had practically forgotten her existence. At bottom, however, she believed her feelings didn't matter. We are happy to bring you a combination of Zoom, In-person, and Hybrid options. I ask Dr. Ballentine in a January 1990 interview why Nuernberger is still on the Institute's staff. A spiritual center should pay close to $1.9 million to a woman who says she was sexually assaulted 30 times by the center's leader, a jury decided on Thursday. The original creator of the neti pot, the Himalayan Institute has been offering traditional and modern products for health and spirituality since 1971. The Institute's "scientific" approach to yoga has made it a success, attracting long-term spiritual disciples as well as large numbers of people who merely want a boost for their psychological or physical well being. Most of the former members of the Institute who agreed to be interviewed for this article were also afraid to have their identities revealed; they appear under pseudonyms, marked with an asterisk. As an enlightened being, he is thought to be beyond the judgment of ordinary mortals, their laws and morality. He must also vow that he will not harm any living being. Unfortunately, there is some mystery surrounding its founder, Swami Rama, and possible connection with drug abuse and sexual indecency. Megan says her feelings told her that something was amiss, but because of the social environment, she began to entertain the notion that the Swami's motives might not be what they appeared to be, and that his attempts at a con job might be a spiritual test. In retrospect, Megan says, she believes that Swami Rama was indifferent to the problems that his behavior might cause the Institute, but was using such scandals to purge it of anyone who questioned his authority. Bikram Choudhury, one of several yoga gurus accused of sexual abuse, [1] assisting a yoga pupil in his own style. But it is also common in the thought-control techniques of totalitarian states. In daily lectures by the Institute's teachers and in conversation with Swami Rama's disciples, she frequently heard that Swami Rama had a "greater purpose that we couldn't understand," and that he was "beyond morality and judgment. Terry, who is now a practicing psychotherapist, says she believes Swami Rama's behavior is compulsive-he can't help it." Residents are expected to donate a large portion of their labor, and they must sacrifice personal freedoms and privacy. She says he instructed her in how to give him pleasure and admonished her to always tell him that she had received pleasure, even thought she never did. She became outraged at the residents and the professional staff who enable and legitimized the Swami's behavior. $1.9 Million Awarded In Swami Sexual Case, https://www.nytimes.com/1997/09/06/us/1.9-million-awarded-in-swami-sexual-case.html. Those who build boundaries around themselves because of their ego problems create suffering for themselves." -- Swami Rama, "Living With the Himalayan Masters". When another married couple who were their friends and fellow students left the ashram suddenly, Karen wrote to them asking why. Anyone can read what you share. Go to Top. In March 1978, she says, Swami Rama came to Glenview and initiated her. She thanked me, but assured me I had no reason for concern. In his enlightened state, they believe, he could never commit any selfish acts, which would create new karmic burdens. Ex-members say he also bends the rules and bestows privileges on his favorites, who may in turn enforce rules, which they do not follow. State licensing boards may take away a professional's license to practice if he (or she) is found guilty of "inappropriate sexual contact," which may include everything from verbal sexual innuendos to a long-term sexual liaison with a client or patient. His actions are rarely questioned by his followers, because his every deed is thought to flow from his union with godhead. Marston's lawsuit, he says, was an act of revenge. Or, in the words of Rudolph Ballentine, M.D., president of the Himalayan Institute and Swami Rama's designated successor, "to take the wisdom of the ancients and couch it in terms that are intelligible to modern man.". ", Why would the women want to blackmail Swami Rama? In August, Carolyn says, Swami Rama told her to meet him in New York City for the next step in her spiritual training. And there is a statement, 'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.'" She said no: She had been on a work crew Swami Rama had ordered to week poison ivy roots for his new garden, and she was covered with oozing blisters. Since the early 1970s, women have been claiming sexual abuse at the hands of this prominent spiritual teacher. Instead, he told the other board members that he believed Rose, and that they should investigate the incident for themselves. Our Honesdale campus continues to be home to a service-driven community of yogis, volunteers, and faculty-in-residence. After he had, as she describes it, "had sex on my body," she took a blanket into the other room and slept on the floor. They rarely had to do the menial chores performed by other residents; Brian was encouraged to study the sacred texts and write a book, while Terry got training as a Montessori teacher and started a school for the Institute's children. Nestled in the rolling hills of the Poconos, our stunning 400-acre campus is a gathering place for seekers from around the globe. She says Swami Rama began telling her that he had never had sex, that he was dreaming about her at night, and that he was experiencing novel physical sensations because of her. At some point, we ran into Swami Rama in a hallway. The program seemed to provide the ideal family she'd never had, where everyone shared her values and spiritual goals. Carolyn walked up to the cabin, she says, where after a brief minute spent leafing through her work, the guru asked her in a low voice for a meeting later that night. The same spirit of community and service that fuels our headquarters in Honesdale, PA, can be found in these dedicated affiliate centers of practice. Burnett is a postdoctoral fellow in Houston's department of education leadership and . The two couples referred to this statement in a petition to the FBI: they asked the FBI to investigate the threat letter and argued that Swami Rama could be deported by the Immigration and Naturalization Service as an undesirable alien on four grounds: possession of narcotics, sexual immorality, fraudulent financial dealings, and "affliction with [a] psychopathic personality." she remembers him demanding. Immerse yourself in a life-changing course of study and get certified in the authentic teachings of yoga and meditation. The women's fears have aborted projects intended to expose possible exploitation to a wider audience. But within the Institute, she says, everyone else seemed to accept the guru's sexually suggestive behavior and humiliation of women. Health Clinics Health Education Public Libraries School of Carpentry In my interviews with current and former members of the Institute, I heard an almost unvarying litany of beliefs about Swami Rama's abilities. In some states, a patient has the right to sue her doctor or psychotherapist for malpractice even if she originally consented to sex, because people under psychological or medical treatment are considered too vulnerable and dependent to give free and full consent. He says he spends most evenings with the guru until midnight or 2 a.m., and that he knows better than anyone who is with Swami Rama late at night and who isn't. Many of Swami Rama's followers are still young and nave, unskilled in comprehending and interpreting their own "inner experience"-and they entrust their spiritual yearnings to his care. According to Karen and George, no legal action resulted. She says he arranged for her to meet him at the Gramercy Park Hotel and instructed her not to call him Swami in public. By that time, Brian recollects, the other directors had adopted the line that famous and powerful men were always subject to such vicious rumors, and that the women's stories were ludicrous and unbelievable. This seemingly whimsical application of standards demoralized many of the ex-members I spoke with and led many to resent the members of Swami Rama's inner circle. The Greens' experiments caused a furor in the scientific community because they gave powerful support to autogenic biofeedback research, which 10 years earlier had begun demonstrating that body functions which had formerly been considered involuntary could be controlled. Megan*, a former graduate student in the Eastern Studies program, wrote a letter to the Jesuit administration of the University of Scranton saying that Swami Rama was subjecting women students to sexual exploitation. But Megan and Carolyn both say that Swami Rama would dismiss Pandit Rajmani and other members of the inner circle after an evening of socializing in Swami Rama's private quarters, while asking them alone to stay behind. But ultimately he chose to believe Swami Rama. Megan says she squelched an urge to speak out, instead deciding, like most of the Institute's residents, to suspend judgment so she could "understand and learn" from this "great master." She was thrilled; it was commonly believed at the Institute that the fastest way to reach enlightenment was to spend as much time as possible in the presence of the guru. Swami Rama has a reputation among his followers as an incredible psychologist who uses his insights to help others. One day Swami Rama called for her and told her he wouldn't be taking her to India that autumn. Brian, who was a member of the Institute board of directors and a major financial contributor, says he confronted Swami Rama shortly after Rose contacted him and told him what had happened-but the guru said Rose had seduced him. Gurus were supposed to have conquered their desires, but in the spiritual literature they were often portrayed as contradictory, tricking their disciples into enlightenment. Yoga seminars, retreats, and professional certifications taught by our world-class faculty, designed to bring you the best of an authentic yoga tradition. A leader in the field of yoga, meditation, spirituality, and holistic health, the Himalayan Institute is a non-profit international organization dedicated to serving humanity through educational, spiritual, and humanitarian programs. The victim's confusion and loss of trust are compounded when her community refuses to acknowledge her suffering. A system that rewards a particular behavior or person and then arbitrarily ignores or punishes that same behavior or person can quickly lead even healthy individuals to develop profound anxiety and uncertainty-the antithesis of self-confidence. Mission Membership is an invitation to put your spiritual values into action by supporting our shared commitment to service while deepening your study and practice in the living Himalayan Tradition. The 10-campus system closes a loophole that could have let undergraduates piece together a degree. In the spring of 1983, Swami Rama began to court her again, she says: He told her that she would help him prepare a book of sacred poetry he was writing, and he assured her repeatedly that he would take her to India the following autumn. & # x27 ; s department of education leadership and beyond the judgment ordinary. A hallway March 1978, she was n't buying it. your yoga and meditation a loophole that have. 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himalayan institute scandal